Pris: | från 982 kr/år | |
Stödjer IDN: | Ja | |
Registreringsperiod: | 1år,3år,5år | |
Registrering sker i: | ||
WHOIS Server: | n/a | |
WHOIS Uppdatering: | ||
WHOIS Anonymitet: | Nej | |
IPv6: | Ja | |
DNSSEC: | Ja | |
Registry Hemsida: | | |
Registry Villkor: | | |
Policy Tvistelösning: |;9684048112;111;+PAGE%284000058%29+K-CAT-CODIGO%28C.125%29+RCNT%28100%29;#1155 |
All individual and corporate bodies can register domain names under
Tillåtna tecken: Hyphens only singly (no "--"), letters and numbers. No hyphen at the beginning or at the end
Hyphens (“-“) only singly (no "--"), letters and numbers. No hyphen at the beginning or at the end.
## IDN Information
Registering a domain with special characters does not imply any changes to the way the registration is carried out. For the time being, only the following special characters in the Portuguese alphabet have been considered: (`) grave accent, (´) acute accent, (^) circumflex accent and (~) tilde. These characters only make sense when applied to the Portuguese language (à; á; â; ã; ç; é; ê; í; ó; ô; õ; ú).
Domänen registreras inte i realtid.
## Domain Restrictions
- The tech-contact for the domain will be validated by the registry.
- Name servers have to be pre-configured prior to the registration. The configuration can be checked on the registry website at [](
- The domains registered in .PT may not:
- Correspond to words or expressions contrary to law, public order or morality
- Correspond to any top level Internet domain name in existence or in the process of being created
- Correspond to names that would mislead or cause confusion about their ownership, namely, by coinciding with notorious or prestigious trademarks that belong to another
- Correspond to any protocols, applications or terms of the Internet
- Correspond to a geographical name
Registration requirements for two character domain names are covered on the [registry website]( These premium domains can be registered by using the FeeExtension or the X-ACCEPT-PREMIUMPRICE=1 parameter as explained in the [Premium Domain Handling]( article.
The most current version of the following registration rules can be found on the [registry website](
- Registering domains under .PT:
- Article 10 Legitimacy: Domain names under .pt may be registered by all individual or corporate entities.
- Article 11 Composing the Domain Name: Unless otherwise indicated, the domain name registered directly under .pt must obey the following rules:
- a) Have the respective characters as set out in paragraphs 1 and 2 of article 8;
- b) In the case of geographic names, these can only be legitimately registered by the legal administrative authority. § The legal administrative authority is understood to be that which carries out the administration on a restricted geographical constituency, namely, the State over its territory, the Regional Governments over the territory of the Autonomous Regions, the local authorities regarding their respective administrative districts, the Civil Parish Councils over the places that are part of the civil parish of the respective jurisdiction within the terms provided for in the Attachment to Law No. 11-A/2013, of 28 January, which implements the administrative reorganisation of the territory of the civil parishes and local State bodies regarding the administrative area in which they carry out their responsibilities.
- Registering domains under .GOV.PT:
- Article 12 Legitimacy: Domain names under may be registered by entities which are part of the Government structure of the Portuguese Republic.
- Article 13 Composing the Domain Name: The domain name registered under must coincide with the denomination of its registrant, its abbreviation or acronym, or with the name of projects or actions which it carries out or will carry out.
- Article 14 Registrar: The registration process for a domain under is carried out with CEGER – Centro de Gestão da Rede Informática do Governo (Centre for the Management of the Government's IT Network), in accordance with the regulations available at []( whilst applying, in addition, the provisions of the present Rules.
- Registering domains under .ORG.PT:
- Article 15 Legitimacy: Domain names under may be registered by non-profit organisations and individuals.
- Article 16 Composing the Domain Name: The domain name under must coincide with the denomination of its registrant, its abbreviation or acronym, or with the name of projects or actions that it carries out or will carry out.
- Registering domains under .EDU.PT:
- Article 17 Legitimacy: Public teaching establishments and owners of private and co-operative teaching establishments may register domain names under
- Article 18 Composing the Domain Name: The domain name under must coincide with the designation allocated on the document which identifies/recognises the nature of the educational establishment, or with an abbreviation or acronym of that designation, except, in the case of the latter, if it results in an inversion or addition to it.
- Registering domains under .COM.PT:
- Article 19 Legitimacy: Domain names under may be registered by all individual and corporate entities.
- Article 20 Composing the Domain Name: The domain name under only has to observe the rules regarding the general conditions for composing domain names set out in articles 8 and 9.
- Article 21 Registrations Based on Criteria Established by Law: Apart from the possibilities of registering domain names listed in the previous articles, registrations which obey conditions that are expressly described by law are also allowed.
Innan domänen registreras måste namnservrarna som domänen kommer att peka mot att skapas. SOA record måste finnas.
Toppdomänen kräver att minst 1 namnservrar används samt max 13 stycken.
Domänen kan förnyas för följande perioder
1år,3år,5årI vissa fall går det att förnya domänen efter det att den förfallit.
30 dagarHar domänen löpt ut kan den återställas för en extra kostnad. Det kan ske under en period av 0 dagar efter att domänen löpt ut, alternativt efter att grace period löpt ut. Denna kostnad är i regel ganska hög, kring 5000SEK.
Vid transfer till en annan leverantör förnyas domänen automatiskt med 1 år.
För att flytta en domän krävs en Authorisation/Auth kod. Denna kod kan endast ägaren få från sin nuvarande leverantör.
Domänen kan låsas så att den inte kan flyttas till annan leverantör. För att flytta en domän måste den därför först låsas upp för transfer. Detta är något endast ägaren till domänen kan göra.
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Framförallt var det ett suveränt snabbt svar jag fick. Det tog inte tre minuter från att min fråga ställts!
Klas, Boxholm
Impeccable service, fast and exactly to the point. THANK YOU FREDRIK!
Johan, Chatswood
Snabb återkoppling och bra/pedagogiskt med en film som visade hur man skulle göra.
Maria, Nordingrå
Hahaha, nu skojar ni lite? Hur kan man bli bättre än en varaktighet på ett ärende som tog 0 tid? Nja, det är svårt att överträffa :-) Tack så mycket! :-D
Sofia, Göteborg
hos Registrera Domän och ni får följande,