Pris: | från 12 332 kr/år | |
Stödjer IDN: | Ja | |
Registreringsperiod: | 1år,2år,3år,4år,5år,6år,7år,8år,9år,10år | |
Registrering sker i: | Realtime | |
WHOIS Server: | n/a | |
WHOIS Uppdatering: | ||
WHOIS Anonymitet: | Ja | |
IPv6: | Ja | |
DNSSEC: | Ja | |
Registry Hemsida: | | |
Registry Villkor: | | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | |
.TICKETS is a new generic Top-Level-Domain (gTLD)
Tillåtna tecken: a-z, 0-9, -
* Minimum: '''1'''
* Maximum: '''63'''
* Letters and numbers
* Dot ("."), the dot is used exclusively to separate labels.
* Hyphens ("-"), the hyphen may not appear at the beginning or end of a label
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /web/tldinfo-data.php on line 181
The registry has adopted the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy established by ICANN and encourages third parties to resolve disputes with registrants through the process described in the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy.
The Uniform Rapid Suspension System also applies:
Domänen registreras i realtid.
Domänen kan registreras upp till 10 år i taget.
## Domain Restrictions
1. Standard Track Processing
1. All Applications for .tickets names will be processed according to Standard Track Processing unless Fast Track Processing is requested by the Applicant to the Registry within five (5) Business Days of the Applicant being contacted by the Registry after the Registry received the application from the Applicant’s Registrar.
2. Applications in Standard Track Processing will be held in reserved Pending Create status for up to 30 days during which time they will be Advertised on the Registry-managed website []( During the Advertisement Period, third parties with Eligible Rights in the Requested Name may submit Competing Applications for the identical domain name.
3. At any point during the Advertisement Period the original Applicant may apply to Expedite a Standard Track Application by submitting evidence of an Eligible Right in the Requested Name. If the Registry is satisfied at its sole discretion that such an Eligible Right exists, it will terminate the Advertisement Period and the Requested Name will be registered to the original Applicant.
2. Fast Track Processing
1. An Applicant that can demonstrate having an Eligible Right in the Requested Name may bypass Standard Track Processing, including the Advertisement Period, by requesting Fast Track Processing. In order to prevent the start of the Advertisement Period, Fast Track Processing must be requested by the Applicant within 5 (five) Business Days of the Applicant being contacted by the Registry notifying the Applicant of the Registry’s receipt of the Applicant’s Application from the Applicant’s Registrar. Requests made after this time will be rejected and the Application will be published on the Registry-managed website []( via which third parties may submit Competing Applications for the identical domain name.
2. An Eligible Right in respect of a Requested Name is one of the following:
1. A nationally or regionally registered trade mark registered in respect of tickets or ticketing goods or services; OR
2. A name or other term that, while not registered as a trade mark, has been used in trade to distinguish the tickets or ticketing goods or services of one undertaking from those of another. What constitutes tickets or ticking goods or services for the purposes of this policy will be decided by the Registry at its sole discretion.
3. Applicants can demonstrate an Eligible Right based on a registered trade mark by providing the following information:
1. The text of the trade mark as registered;
2. The registration number of the relevant trade mark;
3. The date of registration;
4. The jurisdiction of registration of the trade mark;
5. The name of the registered owner of the trade mark or documentary evidence confirming that the Applicant is authorised by the registered owner of the trade mark to make the Application and have the domain name registered to it; and
6. The address of the registered owner of the trade mark.
4. Applicants can demonstrate an Eligible Right based on an unregistered name or other term by providing at the request of the Registry, one or more of the following types of evidence which must contain the full text of the Eligible Right in a clear and stand-alone format:
1. Dated tickets;
2. Dated advertising and marketing materials for tickets or ticketing goods or services (e.g. brochures, pamphlets, catalogues, product manuals, displays or signage, press releases, screen shots, social media marketing materials etc.);
3. Links to websites, screen shots from websites relating to the sale or advertisement of tickets or ticketing goods or services;
4. Headed and dated stationery, receipts, invoices relating to the sale or advertisement of tickets or ticketing goods or services; or
5. Dated photographs or scans of product labels, tags or containers demonstrating the sale or advertisement of tickets or ticketing goods or services.
Applicants or Competing Applicants will submit, via the []( website, no more than 10MB of documentary evidence in support of each Application or Competing Application. Further pages need not be considered by the registry.
Toppdomänen kräver att minst 1 namnservrar används samt max 10 stycken.
Domänen kan förnyas för följande perioder
1år,2år,3år,4år,5år,6år,7år,8år,9år,10årHar domänen löpt ut kan den återställas för en extra kostnad. Det kan ske under en period av 30 dagar efter att domänen löpt ut, alternativt efter att grace period löpt ut. Denna kostnad är i regel ganska hög, kring 5000SEK.
Vid transfer till en annan leverantör förnyas domänen automatiskt med 1 år.
För att flytta en domän krävs en Authorisation/Auth kod. Denna kod kan endast ägaren få från sin nuvarande leverantör.
Domänen kan låsas så att den inte kan flyttas till annan leverantör. För att flytta en domän måste den därför först låsas upp för transfer. Detta är något endast ägaren till domänen kan göra.
Vår mission är att erbjuda professionella tjänster, kunnig och snabb support. Har vi det?
Detta är vad några av våra kunder tycker.
Framförallt var det ett suveränt snabbt svar jag fick. Det tog inte tre minuter från att min fråga ställts!
Klas, Boxholm
Impeccable service, fast and exactly to the point. THANK YOU FREDRIK!
Johan, Chatswood
Snabb återkoppling och bra/pedagogiskt med en film som visade hur man skulle göra.
Maria, Nordingrå
Hahaha, nu skojar ni lite? Hur kan man bli bättre än en varaktighet på ett ärende som tog 0 tid? Nja, det är svårt att överträffa :-) Tack så mycket! :-D
Sofia, Göteborg
hos Registrera Domän och ni får följande,