När kund hos IKASP registrerar ett domännamn, godkänner kunden även den aktuella toppdomänens (registerhållarens) generella villkor och avtal enligt nedan. Kontakta IKASP om villkor för den aktuella toppdomänen saknas vid registreringstillfället.
Domänamn som lyder under ICANN, primärt de generiska toppdomänerna, måste verifieras av ägaren efter att domänen registrerats. Efter att domänen registrerats skickas ett brev med e-post till den kontaktadress som uppgivits som ägare till domänen. Detta brev måste besvaras inom 15 dagar enligt de instruktioner som ges i brevet. Om brevet inte besvaras enligt instruktionerna kommer domänen att pekas om mot en webbplats där instruktioner ges för hur domänen kan aktiveras.
Samma procedur kommer att användas om kontaktuppgifterna för domännamnet ändras framöver.
En e-postadress behöver endast bekräftas en gång.
Mer information finns på:
Se avsnitt "Specifika villkor för toppdomäner" nedan.
Priser för förnyelse av domännamn framgår av vår hemsida, se http://registrera-doman.se/priser.php. Denna sida innehåller alltid aktuella priser.
Påminnelse om att förnya domän skickas ut via e-post. Den första skickas 60 dagar före förnyelsedatum. Nästa skickas 35 dagar innan. Ytterligare tre påminnelser skickas därefter. Påminnelser skickas till den e-postadress som angetts för kundkontot.
Domän kan förnyas till ordinarie pris fram till dess förfallodatum. Förnyelse därefter kan vara behäftat med extra avgifter, plus kostnad för förnyelse av domänen. En toppdomän kan emellertid ha en karenstid inom vilken domänen kan förnyas till ordinare pris. Karenstiden räknas från domänens förfallodatum.
Transfer av domän till annan registrar kan ske enligt de regler som gäller för respektive toppdomän. Samtliga tjänster som ingår när ett domännamn registreras genom IKASP förfaller samtidigt som domännamnet flyttas. Exempel på tjänster som upphör är DNS, vidarebefodring av url och e-post, e-postkonton. Data raderas och kan inte återställas.
För de domännamn som kräver hjälp av tredje part för att uppfylla registreringsvillkoren under en viss toppdomän kan IKASP ej hållas ansvarig för någon av de inblandade tredje parterna. Detta gäller exempelvis om en tredje part som agerar lokal kontakt går i konkurs, köps upp eller på annat sätt beter sig olämpligt. IKASP kan heller inte hållas ansvarig för beslut från toppdomänens Registry som kan påverka dessa typer av domännamn. Eftersom domännamn kan komma att avregistreras godtar kunden de risker som medföljer dessa typer av registreringar. Om detta någonsin skulle inträffa kommer vi hjälpa till att rätta till problemen så gott det går. IKASP kommer ej att betala någon ersättning för skador som kan uppstå pga tredjepartsregistreringar.
Kund bör försäkra sig att registreringen genomförts korrekt trots att denne fått bekräftelse. Det gör man enkelt via IKASP whois. Det tar ca 24- 48h innan denna information syns. IKASP åtar sig att registrera gTLD direkt av en ICANN Ackrediterad Registrar och ccTLD direkt av registerhållaren eller av en av dess godkända ombud.
Kontaktinformationen som anges kan komma att vara offentligt åtkomligt via Internet hos den aktuella registerhållaren för toppdomänen.
Kunden och de kontaktpersoner som är angivna i domännamnregistreringen, godkänner alltså att personuppgifter och kontaktinformation i de fall blir publikt tillgängligt via Internet. Det är användarens/beställarens skyldighet att informera om ovan och ha tillstånd av kontaktpersoner angivna i de fall sådan anges.
Nedan listas övriga avtalskrav som ni, i egenskap av registrant, också måste godkänna Om ni vill registrera ett domännamn i dessa register.
Villkoren kan uppdateras efter tid till annan, utan att Registrera Domän kan påverka detta. Det är därför viktigt att regelbundet besöka denna sida om man vill hålla sig uppdaterad om de olika villkoren.
Internetstiftelsens Hemsida: | https://internetstiftelsen.se/ | |
Internetstiftelsens Villkor och regler: | https://internetstiftelsen.se/domaner/registrera-ett-domannamn/villkor-och-regler-for-se-och-nu-domaner/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://internetstiftelsen.se/domaner/tvistlosning/ |
Internetstiftelsens Hemsida: | https://internetstiftelsen.se/ | |
Internetstiftelsens Villkor och regler: | https://internetstiftelsen.se/domaner/registrera-ett-domannamn/villkor-och-regler-for-se-och-nu-domaner/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://internetstiftelsen.se/domaner/tvistlosning/ |
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.nic.ac | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.nic.ac/terms.html | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.nic.ac/dres.html | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.ac_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=ac.
Registry Hemsida: | https://tdra.gov.ae/en/aeda | |
Registry Villkor: | https://www.nic.ae/content.jsp?action=termcond | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.tra.gov.ae/complaints_system.php | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.ae_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=ae.
Registry Hemsida: | http://nic.af | |
Registry Villkor: | http://nic.af/en/page/what-we-do/afgnic/domain-policy | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | n/a | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.af_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=af.
Registry Hemsida: | http://adras.af | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.nic.af/domainpolicy.htm | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.com.af_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=com_af.
Registry Hemsida: | http://adras.af | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.nic.af/domainpolicy.htm | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.net.af_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=net_af.
Registry Hemsida: | http://adras.af | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.nic.af/domainpolicy.htm | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.org.af_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=org_af.
Registry Hemsida: | http://nic.africa/en/home/ | |
Registry Villkor: | http://nic.africa/en/home/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.africa_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=africa.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.nic.ag/ | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.nic.ag/terms.htm | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.icann.org/udrp/udrp-policy-24oct99.htm | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.ag_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=ag.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.nic.ag/ | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.nic.ag/terms.htm | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.icann.org/udrp/udrp-policy-24oct99.htm | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.com.ag_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=com_ag.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.nic.ag/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.icann.org/udrp/udrp-policy-24oct99.htm | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.net.ag_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=net_ag.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.nic.ag/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.icann.org/udrp/udrp-policy-24oct99.htm | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.org.ag_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=org_ag.
Registry Hemsida: | https://www.amnic.net | |
Registry Villkor: | https://www.amnic.net/policy/en/Policy_EN.pdf | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://dot.am/policy.html | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions **GENERAL HANDLING:** - As of October 27, 2020 we apply a change of our internal handling with the improvement, that registration requests are not in "pending" state any more. Instead we simulate a real-time registration. The advantage is that you can start managing .AM domains right after registrations, for example adjusting nameservers. Of course, as usual the .AM registry needs to approve domain registration requests. - The restrictions should be followed to make sure domain registrations are properly processed and approved by the .AM registry. - Domain registrations requests can be declined by the .AM registry, a full refund is provided. - All .AM Domain names managed via RRPproxy have a Whois Privacy service in place that can not get removed **NAMESERVER:** - A minimum of 2, maximum 4 nameservers is required. **CONTACT HANDLES:** - A full set of contact handles is required (Owner, Admin, Tech, Billing), with a maximum of 1 for each function. The same contact handle can be used for Owner, Admin, Tech, Billing. - Bogus data in contact handles is not allowed, they must contain real data. I.e. using Domain Administrator as name is not allowed. - The owner contact details have to be stated in full length, no initials are accepted from the registry as this may cause the revocation of a domain name. **RESTRICTIONS FOR DOMAIN NAMES:** - .AM doesn't allow sexual context for domain names. In effect, to be on the safe side, the domain name should not contain any sexual related information. - Also not allowed: Geographical names, country names and two/three-letter country codes (ISO 3166 Country Codes), widely known acronyms and abbreviations, generic terms. - The registry can revoke an existing .AM domain if it is proved that the domain is being used for spreading spam and/or any illegal or inappropriate purposes (to stir up an international, ethnic, religious discord, to abet in international terrorism, to promote violence, to boost up pornography, to support trafficking) - The owner contact details have to be stated in full length, no initials are accepted from the registry and this will also cause the revocation of a domain name. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=am.
Registry Hemsida: | http://nic.amsterdam/ | |
Registry Villkor: | http://nic.amsterdam/#documents | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.icann.org/en/help/dndr/udrp/policy | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.amsterdam_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=amsterdam.
Registry Hemsida: | https://tramitesadistancia.gob.ar/tramitesadistancia/inicio-publico | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.nic.ar/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions - .AR second level domain name registrations will be made available by the Argentinian registry as of September 15, 2020. - Our trustee service is required to manage ._com.ar_ domains and will be automatically applied to all registrations. - It is not allowed by Nic.AR to use the same IP address for two name servers ## Fulfillment Info FTLD .com.ar is a Fulfillment TLD. Fullfilment TLDs (FTLDs) are registered through a manual registration process. The manual registration process might involve documents, depending on respective registry regulations, and are therefore not automated for real-time registrations and real-time updates. Updates might cause additional costs! |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=com_ar.
Registry Hemsida: | https://art.art/ | |
Registry Villkor: | https://art.art/legal/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.art_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=art.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.nic.as | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.channelisles.net/tandc.shtml | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.as_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=as.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.registry.asia | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.dot.asia/asia-registry/registry-policies/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.registry.asia/policies.html | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.asia_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=asia.
Registry Hemsida: | https://identity.digital/ | |
Registry Villkor: | https://identity.digital/policies/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://identity.digital/policies/sunrise-and-dpml-dispute-resolution-policy/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions **Donuts registry: Extended validation according to the OFAC list** "A new validation has been added to the pages of the portal where the user introduces the state or province in a postal address, for example creating a contact. This new feature validates if the state/province is included in OFAC list from the United States Government. In that case the operation will not be allowed and the system will return a message informing that the registry cannot provide services to individuals/entities based in countries that are sanctioned by the government of the USA. The validation will be by country and state/province which means the state/province plus the country set by the user should match with one of the combinations of the OFAC list. These are some examples related to the current situation in Crimea Peninsula: - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Ukraine - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Russian Federation - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: United States - Result: Successful This addition complements the existing functionality which validates if the entered country is in the OFAC list." **Allocation token: Override feature for reserved domains** When the sale of a Donuts domain is made directly to a registrant (for example via pioneer programs), the domain name is kept in a reserved state (by Donuts) until the registrant is able to register the domain name through their preferred registrar. In this context Donuts launched the reserved domain override feature called "allocation token". The feature allows Donuts operations staff to assign an override token to a domain name. Donuts then provides this token to the registrant. The registrant uses the token during the registration process to override the reserved status, which allows the allocation of the domain name to proceed. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=associates.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.nic.at | |
Registry Villkor: | https://www.nic.at/en/terms | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://www.nic.at/en/good_to_know/legal-backgrounds/privacy-policy | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions - P.O. box **NOT** allowed as owner address - The customer needs to be fully informed about the product, the price, conditions, suppliers etc. before, during and after the order as well as there need to be information about his right to withdraw. - According to Austrian law, by registering a ._at_ domain, a contract takes place between Domain-Holder and NIC.at. - You can find additional legal information regarding ._at_ registrations on the [registry website](https://www.nic.at/en/good_to_know/legal-backgrounds/domain-law). - Changes to whois output in relation to GDPR for ._at_ domain names are explained on the [registry website](https://www.nic.at/en/good_to_know/legal-backgrounds/privacy-policy) |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=at.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.nic.at | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.nic.at/en/service/legal_information/terms_conditions/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.nic.at/de/agb/ag_agb.asp | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions - P.O. box **NOT** allowed as owner address - The customer needs to be fully informed about the product, the price, conditions, suppliers etc. before, during and after the order as well as there need to be information about his right to withdraw. - According to Austrian law, by registering a ._co.at_ domain, a contract takes place between Domain-Holder and NIC.at. - You can find additional legal information regarding ._co.at_ registrations on the [registry website](https://www.nic.at/en/good_to_know/legal-backgrounds/domain-law). - Changes to whois output in relation to GDPR for ._co.at_ domain names are explained on the [registry website](https://www.nic.at/en/good_to_know/legal-backgrounds/privacy-policy) |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=co_at.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.nic.at | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.nic.at/de/agb/ag_agb.asp | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions - P.O. box **NOT** allowed as owner address - The customer needs to be fully informed about the product, the price, conditions, suppliers etc. before, during and after the order as well as there need to be information about his right to withdraw. - According to Austrian law, by registering a ._or.at_ domain, a contract takes place between Domain-Holder and NIC.at. - You can find additional legal information regarding ._or.at_ registrations on the [registry website](https://www.nic.at/en/good_to_know/legal-backgrounds/domain-law). - Changes to whois output in relation to GDPR for ._or.at_ domain names are explained on the [registry website](https://www.nic.at/en/good_to_know/legal-backgrounds/privacy-policy) |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=or_at.
Registry Hemsida: | https://identity.digital/ | |
Registry Villkor: | https://identity.digital/policies/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://identity.digital/policies/sunrise-and-dpml-dispute-resolution-policy/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions **Donuts registry: Extended validation according to the OFAC list** "A new validation has been added to the pages of the portal where the user introduces the state or province in a postal address, for example creating a contact. This new feature validates if the state/province is included in OFAC list from the United States Government. In that case the operation will not be allowed and the system will return a message informing that the registry cannot provide services to individuals/entities based in countries that are sanctioned by the government of the USA. The validation will be by country and state/province which means the state/province plus the country set by the user should match with one of the combinations of the OFAC list. These are some examples related to the current situation in Crimea Peninsula: - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Ukraine - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Russian Federation - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: United States - Result: Successful This addition complements the existing functionality which validates if the entered country is in the OFAC list." **Allocation token: Override feature for reserved domains** When the sale of a Donuts domain is made directly to a registrant (for example via pioneer programs), the domain name is kept in a reserved state (by Donuts) until the registrant is able to register the domain name through their preferred registrar. In this context Donuts launched the reserved domain override feature called "allocation token". The feature allows Donuts operations staff to assign an override token to a domain name. Donuts then provides this token to the registrant. The registrant uses the token during the registration process to override the reserved status, which allows the allocation of the domain name to proceed. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=auction.
Registry Hemsida: | http://nic.ba | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions - If no local contact was submitted, it would be automatically replaced by our trustee service for free. ## Fulfillment Info FTLD .ba is a Fulfillment TLD. Fullfilment TLDs (FTLDs) are registered through a manual registration process. The manual registration process might involve documents, depending on respective registry regulations, and are therefore not automated for real-time registrations and real-time updates. Updates might cause additional costs! |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=ba.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.nic.baby/ | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.nic.baby/policies.html | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.icann.org/en/help/dndr/udrp/policy | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.baby_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=baby.
Registry Hemsida: | http://nic.bar | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.icann.org/en/help/dndr/udrp/policy | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.bar_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=bar.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.dns.be | |
Registry Villkor: | https://www.dnsbelgium.be/en/terms-and-conditions-be-domain-names | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://www.dnsbelgium.be/en/register-your-domain-name/domain-name-disputes | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions DNS Belgium has entered into a cooperation with FPS Economy in order to suspend fraudulent websites within one day. This approach is designed to ensure consumer confidence in .be websites. - The new protocol has been active since December 1,2018 and authorizes DNS Belgium, at the request of the FPS Economy, to block notably .be domain names that: - are used for fraudulent webshops, or - host phishing websites (i.e. websites which imitate other websites in order to obtain credit card details, for instance). - The new procedure will only be used in the event of serious crimes. The registrant has two weeks to react. After six months, the blocked domain name expires. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=be.
Registry Hemsida: | http://nic.berlin | |
Registry Villkor: | https://dot.berlin/registrierungsregeln-policies | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://dot.berlin/registrierungsregeln-policies | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions - One of the Whois contacts (owner, admin or tech contact) has to have an address in Berlin. - In order to comply with the policy of ._berlin_ we kindly remind you that all Registrants that registered a ._berlin_ domain name need to comply with the ._berlin_ [registration requirements](http://dot.berlin/sites/dot.berlin/files/images/BERLIN-Registration-Policy.pdf). - Reserved domain names are sold by the registry themselves, wherefore it is only possible to register those domain names with an authcode acquired from the registry. ([BERLIN-Reserved-Domain-Names-Policy](http://dot.berlin/sites/dot.berlin/files/images/BERLIN-Reserved-Domain-Names-Policy.pdf)) - A CheckDomain will provide the following response: - code = 210 description = Domain name available; Domain name not available publicly, RESERVATION |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=berlin.
Registry Hemsida: | http://nic.best/ | |
Registry Villkor: | http://nic.best/overview.html | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://nic.best/aup.html | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.best_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=best.
Registry Hemsida: | https://identity.digital/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://identity.digital/policies/sunrise-and-dpml-dispute-resolution-policy/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.bet_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=bet.
Registry Hemsida: | n/a | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://whois.nic.bi/info.php | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions No pornographic, sexual or racist words such as sex, sexo, porn, porno, gay, lesbian, etc. Also, domain names like www.bi are not permitted. Restricted domain names will not be activated and the money will not be refunded. A restricted domain is one of these : gov, net, edu, ac, com, co, int, mil, gouv or any other name related to government or public company use. Contact domain@nic.bi if you want to create such a domain. Note however that it will be assigned only if sponsored by an official authority. Generic names are also discouraged (such as bank, nom, art ... or a geographic notion) as it also misleads people. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=bi.
Registry Hemsida: | http://nic.bible/ | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.nic.bible/policy | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.icann.org/en/help/dndr/udrp/policy | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.bible_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=bible.
Registry Hemsida: | https://identity.digital/ | |
Registry Villkor: | https://identity.digital/policies/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://identity.digital/policies/sunrise-and-dpml-dispute-resolution-policy/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions **Donuts registry: Extended validation according to the OFAC list** "A new validation has been added to the pages of the portal where the user introduces the state or province in a postal address, for example creating a contact. This new feature validates if the state/province is included in OFAC list from the United States Government. In that case the operation will not be allowed and the system will return a message informing that the registry cannot provide services to individuals/entities based in countries that are sanctioned by the government of the USA. The validation will be by country and state/province which means the state/province plus the country set by the user should match with one of the combinations of the OFAC list. These are some examples related to the current situation in Crimea Peninsula: - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Ukraine - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Russian Federation - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: United States - Result: Successful This addition complements the existing functionality which validates if the entered country is in the OFAC list." **Allocation token: Override feature for reserved domains** When the sale of a Donuts domain is made directly to a registrant (for example via pioneer programs), the domain name is kept in a reserved state (by Donuts) until the registrant is able to register the domain name through their preferred registrar. In this context Donuts launched the reserved domain override feature called "allocation token". The feature allows Donuts operations staff to assign an override token to a domain name. Donuts then provides this token to the registrant. The registrant uses the token during the registration process to override the reserved status, which allows the allocation of the domain name to proceed. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=bike.
Registry Hemsida: | https://identity.digital/ | |
Registry Villkor: | https://identity.digital/policies/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://identity.digital/policies/sunrise-and-dpml-dispute-resolution-policy/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions **Donuts registry: Extended validation according to the OFAC list** "A new validation has been added to the pages of the portal where the user introduces the state or province in a postal address, for example creating a contact. This new feature validates if the state/province is included in OFAC list from the United States Government. In that case the operation will not be allowed and the system will return a message informing that the registry cannot provide services to individuals/entities based in countries that are sanctioned by the government of the USA. The validation will be by country and state/province which means the state/province plus the country set by the user should match with one of the combinations of the OFAC list. These are some examples related to the current situation in Crimea Peninsula: - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Ukraine - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Russian Federation - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: United States - Result: Successful This addition complements the existing functionality which validates if the entered country is in the OFAC list." **Allocation token: Override feature for reserved domains** When the sale of a Donuts domain is made directly to a registrant (for example via pioneer programs), the domain name is kept in a reserved state (by Donuts) until the registrant is able to register the domain name through their preferred registrar. In this context Donuts launched the reserved domain override feature called "allocation token". The feature allows Donuts operations staff to assign an override token to a domain name. Donuts then provides this token to the registrant. The registrant uses the token during the registration process to override the reserved status, which allows the allocation of the domain name to proceed. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=bingo.
Registry Hemsida: | https://identity.digital/ | |
Registry Villkor: | https://identity.digital/policies/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://identity.digital/policies/sunrise-and-dpml-dispute-resolution-policy/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions **Eligibility Requirements** Anyone can register a ._bio_ domain. However, if the content on your website is related to the following industries, you’ll need to make sure that the content falls within the guidelines of IFOAM Organics International’s [Principles of Organic Agriculture](https://www.ifoam.bio/en/organic-landmarks/principles-organic-agriculture). Examples include: - Certified organic producers, farmers, distributors and the like - Certified organic textile and skincare providers - Organic restaurants and venues - Certifiers in the organic community - Publications, journalists and bloggers catering to the organic community and industry - Non-profit, not-for-profit and trade associations that primarily serve and represent the organic community Please review the ._bio_ [Domain Name Policy](http://domains.bio/direct-download/12016). |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=bio.
Registry Hemsida: | http://neustarregistry.biz | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.icann.org/udrp/udrp-policy-24oct99.htm | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.biz_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=biz.
Registry Hemsida: | https://www.unr.com | |
Registry Villkor: | https://uniregistry.link/registry-policies/?file=441 | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://uniregistry.link/report-abuse/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.blackfriday_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=blackfriday.
Registry Hemsida: | https://nic.blog/ | |
Registry Villkor: | https://knockknockwhoisthere.files.wordpress.com/2016/08/dotblog-terms-of-service-1-0.pdf | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.icann.org/en/help/dndr/udrp/policy | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.blog_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=blog.
Registry Hemsida: | http://nic.bo | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.bo_ ## Fulfillment Info FTLD .bo is a Fulfillment TLD. Fullfilment TLDs (FTLDs) are registered through a manual registration process. The manual registration process might involve documents, depending on respective registry regulations, and are therefore not automated for real-time registrations and real-time updates. Updates might cause additional costs! |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=bo.
Registry Hemsida: | https://identity.digital/ | |
Registry Villkor: | https://identity.digital/policies/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://identity.digital/policies/sunrise-and-dpml-dispute-resolution-policy/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions **Donuts registry: Extended validation according to the OFAC list** "A new validation has been added to the pages of the portal where the user introduces the state or province in a postal address, for example creating a contact. This new feature validates if the state/province is included in OFAC list from the United States Government. In that case the operation will not be allowed and the system will return a message informing that the registry cannot provide services to individuals/entities based in countries that are sanctioned by the government of the USA. The validation will be by country and state/province which means the state/province plus the country set by the user should match with one of the combinations of the OFAC list. These are some examples related to the current situation in Crimea Peninsula: - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Ukraine - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Russian Federation - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: United States - Result: Successful This addition complements the existing functionality which validates if the entered country is in the OFAC list." **Allocation token: Override feature for reserved domains** When the sale of a Donuts domain is made directly to a registrant (for example via pioneer programs), the domain name is kept in a reserved state (by Donuts) until the registrant is able to register the domain name through their preferred registrar. In this context Donuts launched the reserved domain override feature called "allocation token". The feature allows Donuts operations staff to assign an override token to a domain name. Donuts then provides this token to the registrant. The registrant uses the token during the registration process to override the reserved status, which allows the allocation of the domain name to proceed. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=boutique.
Registry Hemsida: | http://nic.br/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://registro.br/saci/regulamento.html | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions - Configured name servers are required. Therefore, the registry provides a zone check at [http://registro.br/cgi-bin/nicbr/dnscheck](https://registro.br/cgi-bin/nicbr/dnscheck) - The Billing-Contact as well as the Owner-Contact need a local presence in Brazil. Therefore you can use our trustee service or provide us with your Brazilian register number (for the owner contact) and a Brazilian contact handle (for the billing contact). - In case of a Brazilian contact the two letter state value is mandatory: - Acre - AC - Alagoas - AL - Amapá - AP - Amazonas - AM - Bahia - BA - Ceará - CE - Distrito Federal - DF - Espíríto Santo - ES - Goiás - GO - Maranhão - MA - Mato Grosso - MT - Mato Grosso do Sul - MS - Minas Gerais - MG - Pará - PA - Paraíba - PB - Paraná - PR - Pernambuco - PE - Piauí - PI - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Rio Grande do Norte - RN - Rio Grande do Sul - RS - Rondônia - RO - Roraima - RR - Santa Catarina - SC - São Paulo - SP - Sergipe - SE - Tocantins - TO - In order for an organization to be eligible for ORG.BR name registrations, it must prove it is a non-governamental and a not-for-profit organization. Therefore our trustee service can **NOT** be used. - A domain might **NOT** be available for registration by having participated in more than six (6) consecutive release processes. Details about the liberation process can be found on the registry website [https://registro.br/dominio/proclib.html](https://registro.br/dominio/proclib.html). - Individuals are excluded from the registration of .esp.br("esporte em geral" - sports) and .far.br("farmácias e drogarias" - pharmacies and drugstores) domain names. Only legal entities are eligible to register, the CNPJ number must be submitted. A trustee service can be used if necessary. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=com_br.
Registry Hemsida: | http://nic.br/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://registro.br/saci/regulamento.html | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions - Configured name servers are required. Therefore, the registry provides a zone check at [http://registro.br/cgi-bin/nicbr/dnscheck](https://registro.br/cgi-bin/nicbr/dnscheck) - The Billing-Contact as well as the Owner-Contact need a local presence in Brazil. Therefore you can use our trustee service or provide us with your Brazilian register number (for the owner contact) and a Brazilian contact handle (for the billing contact). - In case of a Brazilian contact the two letter state value is mandatory: - Acre - AC - Alagoas - AL - Amapá - AP - Amazonas - AM - Bahia - BA - Ceará - CE - Distrito Federal - DF - Espíríto Santo - ES - Goiás - GO - Maranhão - MA - Mato Grosso - MT - Mato Grosso do Sul - MS - Minas Gerais - MG - Pará - PA - Paraíba - PB - Paraná - PR - Pernambuco - PE - Piauí - PI - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Rio Grande do Norte - RN - Rio Grande do Sul - RS - Rondônia - RO - Roraima - RR - Santa Catarina - SC - São Paulo - SP - Sergipe - SE - Tocantins - TO - In order for an organization to be eligible for ORG.BR name registrations, it must prove it is a non-governamental and a not-for-profit organization. Therefore our trustee service can **NOT** be used. - A domain might **NOT** be available for registration by having participated in more than six (6) consecutive release processes. Details about the liberation process can be found on the registry website [https://registro.br/dominio/proclib.html](https://registro.br/dominio/proclib.html). - Individuals are excluded from the registration of .esp.br("esporte em geral" - sports) and .far.br("farmácias e drogarias" - pharmacies and drugstores) domain names. Only legal entities are eligible to register, the CNPJ number must be submitted. A trustee service can be used if necessary. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=net_br.
Registry Hemsida: | https://identity.digital/ | |
Registry Villkor: | https://identity.digital/policies/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://identity.digital/policies/sunrise-and-dpml-dispute-resolution-policy/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.broker_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=broker.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.belizenic.bz/ | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.afilias.info/legal-notices | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.belizenic.bz/content.php?action=show_agreements | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.bz_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=bz.
Registry Hemsida: | https://identity.digital/ | |
Registry Villkor: | https://identity.digital/policies/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://identity.digital/policies/sunrise-and-dpml-dispute-resolution-policy/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions **Donuts registry: Extended validation according to the OFAC list** "A new validation has been added to the pages of the portal where the user introduces the state or province in a postal address, for example creating a contact. This new feature validates if the state/province is included in OFAC list from the United States Government. In that case the operation will not be allowed and the system will return a message informing that the registry cannot provide services to individuals/entities based in countries that are sanctioned by the government of the USA. The validation will be by country and state/province which means the state/province plus the country set by the user should match with one of the combinations of the OFAC list. These are some examples related to the current situation in Crimea Peninsula: - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Ukraine - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Russian Federation - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: United States - Result: Successful This addition complements the existing functionality which validates if the entered country is in the OFAC list." **Allocation token: Override feature for reserved domains** When the sale of a Donuts domain is made directly to a registrant (for example via pioneer programs), the domain name is kept in a reserved state (by Donuts) until the registrant is able to register the domain name through their preferred registrar. In this context Donuts launched the reserved domain override feature called "allocation token". The feature allows Donuts operations staff to assign an override token to a domain name. Donuts then provides this token to the registrant. The registrant uses the token during the registration process to override the reserved status, which allows the allocation of the domain name to proceed. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=cab.
Registry Hemsida: | https://identity.digital/ | |
Registry Villkor: | https://identity.digital/policies/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://identity.digital/policies/sunrise-and-dpml-dispute-resolution-policy/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions **Donuts registry: Extended validation according to the OFAC list** "A new validation has been added to the pages of the portal where the user introduces the state or province in a postal address, for example creating a contact. This new feature validates if the state/province is included in OFAC list from the United States Government. In that case the operation will not be allowed and the system will return a message informing that the registry cannot provide services to individuals/entities based in countries that are sanctioned by the government of the USA. The validation will be by country and state/province which means the state/province plus the country set by the user should match with one of the combinations of the OFAC list. These are some examples related to the current situation in Crimea Peninsula: - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Ukraine - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Russian Federation - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: United States - Result: Successful This addition complements the existing functionality which validates if the entered country is in the OFAC list." **Allocation token: Override feature for reserved domains** When the sale of a Donuts domain is made directly to a registrant (for example via pioneer programs), the domain name is kept in a reserved state (by Donuts) until the registrant is able to register the domain name through their preferred registrar. In this context Donuts launched the reserved domain override feature called "allocation token". The feature allows Donuts operations staff to assign an override token to a domain name. Donuts then provides this token to the registrant. The registrant uses the token during the registration process to override the reserved status, which allows the allocation of the domain name to proceed. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=cafe.
Registry Hemsida: | http://nic.cam/ | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.nic.cam | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.icann.org/en/help/dndr/udrp/policy | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.cam_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=cam.
Registry Hemsida: | http://mm-registry.com/ | |
Registry Villkor: | http://mm-registry.com/policies/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.icann.org/en/help/dndr/udrp/policy | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.casa_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=casa.
Registry Hemsida: | https://identity.digital/ | |
Registry Villkor: | https://identity.digital/policies/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://identity.digital/policies/sunrise-and-dpml-dispute-resolution-policy/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions **Donuts registry: Extended validation according to the OFAC list** "A new validation has been added to the pages of the portal where the user introduces the state or province in a postal address, for example creating a contact. This new feature validates if the state/province is included in OFAC list from the United States Government. In that case the operation will not be allowed and the system will return a message informing that the registry cannot provide services to individuals/entities based in countries that are sanctioned by the government of the USA. The validation will be by country and state/province which means the state/province plus the country set by the user should match with one of the combinations of the OFAC list. These are some examples related to the current situation in Crimea Peninsula: - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Ukraine - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Russian Federation - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: United States - Result: Successful This addition complements the existing functionality which validates if the entered country is in the OFAC list." **Allocation token: Override feature for reserved domains** When the sale of a Donuts domain is made directly to a registrant (for example via pioneer programs), the domain name is kept in a reserved state (by Donuts) until the registrant is able to register the domain name through their preferred registrar. In this context Donuts launched the reserved domain override feature called "allocation token". The feature allows Donuts operations staff to assign an override token to a domain name. Donuts then provides this token to the registrant. The registrant uses the token during the registration process to override the reserved status, which allows the allocation of the domain name to proceed. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=casino.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.verisigninc.com/en_US/products-and-services/domain-name-services/registry-services/cc-domain-names/index.xhtml?loc=en_US | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.verisigninc.com/en_US/legal/index.xhtml | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.icann.org/udrp/udrp-policy-24oct99.htm | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.cc_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=cc.
Registry Hemsida: | https://identity.digital/ | |
Registry Villkor: | https://identity.digital/policies/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://identity.digital/policies/sunrise-and-dpml-dispute-resolution-policy/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions **Donuts registry: Extended validation according to the OFAC list** "A new validation has been added to the pages of the portal where the user introduces the state or province in a postal address, for example creating a contact. This new feature validates if the state/province is included in OFAC list from the United States Government. In that case the operation will not be allowed and the system will return a message informing that the registry cannot provide services to individuals/entities based in countries that are sanctioned by the government of the USA. The validation will be by country and state/province which means the state/province plus the country set by the user should match with one of the combinations of the OFAC list. These are some examples related to the current situation in Crimea Peninsula: - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Ukraine - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Russian Federation - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: United States - Result: Successful This addition complements the existing functionality which validates if the entered country is in the OFAC list." **Allocation token: Override feature for reserved domains** When the sale of a Donuts domain is made directly to a registrant (for example via pioneer programs), the domain name is kept in a reserved state (by Donuts) until the registrant is able to register the domain name through their preferred registrar. In this context Donuts launched the reserved domain override feature called "allocation token". The feature allows Donuts operations staff to assign an override token to a domain name. Donuts then provides this token to the registrant. The registrant uses the token during the registration process to override the reserved status, which allows the allocation of the domain name to proceed. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=center.
Registry Hemsida: | http://nic.ceo | |
Registry Villkor: | http://nic.ceo/overview.html | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://nic.ceo/CRS.html | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions To join the CEO Network (social interaction add on being released later this year), the user will need to be a CEO. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=ceo.
Registry Hemsida: | https://my.freenom.com | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions Contact updates are possible except for name & country of registrant. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=cf.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.switch.ch/ | |
Registry Villkor: | https://www.nic.ch/reg/cm/wcm-resource/download/terms/SWITCH_AGB_en.pdf | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.switch.ch/id/terms/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions Only a fixed number of nameservers can be given with the registration: none, 2 servers, 3 servers or 4 servers |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=ch.
Registry Hemsida: | https://internetnaming.co/ | |
Registry Villkor: | https://uniregistry.link/registry-policies/?file=441 | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://uniregistry.link/report-abuse/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.click_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=click.
Registry Hemsida: | https://identity.digital/ | |
Registry Villkor: | https://identity.digital/policies/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://identity.digital/policies/sunrise-and-dpml-dispute-resolution-policy/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions **Donuts registry: Extended validation according to the OFAC list** "A new validation has been added to the pages of the portal where the user introduces the state or province in a postal address, for example creating a contact. This new feature validates if the state/province is included in OFAC list from the United States Government. In that case the operation will not be allowed and the system will return a message informing that the registry cannot provide services to individuals/entities based in countries that are sanctioned by the government of the USA. The validation will be by country and state/province which means the state/province plus the country set by the user should match with one of the combinations of the OFAC list. These are some examples related to the current situation in Crimea Peninsula: - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Ukraine - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Russian Federation - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: United States - Result: Successful This addition complements the existing functionality which validates if the entered country is in the OFAC list." **Allocation token: Override feature for reserved domains** When the sale of a Donuts domain is made directly to a registrant (for example via pioneer programs), the domain name is kept in a reserved state (by Donuts) until the registrant is able to register the domain name through their preferred registrar. In this context Donuts launched the reserved domain override feature called "allocation token". The feature allows Donuts operations staff to assign an override token to a domain name. Donuts then provides this token to the registrant. The registrant uses the token during the registration process to override the reserved status, which allows the allocation of the domain name to proceed. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=clothing.
Registry Hemsida: | https://nic.cloud/home.aspx | |
Registry Villkor: | https://nic.cloud/policies.aspx | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://nic.cloud/getattachment/Policies/dotCloud-SRDP.pdf.aspx | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.cloud_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=cloud.
Registry Hemsida: | http://nic.club/ | |
Registry Villkor: | http://nic.club/Terms/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://nic.club/Terms/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.club_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=club.
Registry Hemsida: | https://login.netcom.cm | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.antic.cm/images/stories/data/Charte_de_nommage.pdf | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://netcom.cm/policies.html | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions If the name servers of a ._cm_ domain are modified more than three to four times in a month, the domain is set to serverUpdateProhibited for the next four weeks. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=cm.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.cnnic.cn/ | |
Registry Villkor: | https://www.cnnic.com.cn/PublicS/fwzxxgzcfg/201208/t20120830_35734.htm | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://www.cnnic.com.cn/PublicS/fwzxxgzcfg/201907/t20190726_70774.htm | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions - Registrants of net.CN Domains must comply to the General Terms and Conditions of .CN Domains: - General Policies under [http://www.cnnic.cn](http://www.cnnic.cn/) - China Internet Domain Name Regulations - CNNIC Internet Domain Name Registration Administration http://www.cnnic.cn/html/Dir/2003/11/27/1522.htm - CNNIC Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy - CNNIC Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy Rules - The name on the owner handle must be an exact(!) match of the name on the ID-card or company registration certificate (kind of company, for example LTD. must be included!) - Prohibited Uses for .cn domain names. Registrant may not register or use a domain name that is deemed by CNNIC to: - Be against the basic principles prescribed in the Constitution of the Peoples Republic of China (“PRC”); - Jeopardize national security, leak state secrets, intend to overturn the government, or disrupt of state integrity of the PRC; - Harm national honor and national interests of the PRC; - Instigate hostility or discrimination between different nationalities, or disrupt the national solidarity of the PRC; - Violate the PRC’s religion policies or propagate cult and feudal superstition; - Spread rumours, disturb public order or disrupt social stability of the PRC; - Spread pornography, obscenity, gambling, violence, homicide, terror or instigate crimes in the PRC; - Insult, libel against others and infringe other people' s legal rights and interests in the PRC; or - Take any other action prohibited in laws, rules and administrative regulations of the PRC. - MIIT ICP Recording - A ICP number from government institute [MIIT](http://www.miibeian.gov.cn) is required if the webserver for the domain is located in mainland China. The following document provides a short overview: [ICP.pdf](/files/icp.pdf) - A domain certificate can be requested from [here](http://cpp.cnnic.cn/zh/certificate/certificateCnnic!index.action?decorator=false). Please make sure to fill in the domain name and the registrant's telephone number |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=cn.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.cointernet.co/ | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.cointernet.co/domain/policies-procedures | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.go.co/company/domain-management/registration-policies | |
Begränsningar: |
2 - 13 Name servers. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=co.
Registry Hemsida: | https://www.verisign.com/en_US/domain-names/com-domain-names/index.xhtml | |
Registry Villkor: | https://www.verisign.com/en_US/legal-notices/index.xhtml | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.icann.org/udrp/udrp-rules-24oct99.htm | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.com_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=com.
Registry Hemsida: | https://identity.digital/ | |
Registry Villkor: | https://identity.digital/policies/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://identity.digital/policies/sunrise-and-dpml-dispute-resolution-policy/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions **Donuts registry: Extended validation according to the OFAC list** "A new validation has been added to the pages of the portal where the user introduces the state or province in a postal address, for example creating a contact. This new feature validates if the state/province is included in OFAC list from the United States Government. In that case the operation will not be allowed and the system will return a message informing that the registry cannot provide services to individuals/entities based in countries that are sanctioned by the government of the USA. The validation will be by country and state/province which means the state/province plus the country set by the user should match with one of the combinations of the OFAC list. These are some examples related to the current situation in Crimea Peninsula: - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Ukraine - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Russian Federation - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: United States - Result: Successful This addition complements the existing functionality which validates if the entered country is in the OFAC list." **Allocation token: Override feature for reserved domains** When the sale of a Donuts domain is made directly to a registrant (for example via pioneer programs), the domain name is kept in a reserved state (by Donuts) until the registrant is able to register the domain name through their preferred registrar. In this context Donuts launched the reserved domain override feature called "allocation token". The feature allows Donuts operations staff to assign an override token to a domain name. Donuts then provides this token to the registrant. The registrant uses the token during the registration process to override the reserved status, which allows the allocation of the domain name to proceed. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=computer.
Registry Hemsida: | https://identity.digital/ | |
Registry Villkor: | https://identity.digital/policies/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://identity.digital/policies/sunrise-and-dpml-dispute-resolution-policy/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions **Donuts registry: Extended validation according to the OFAC list** "A new validation has been added to the pages of the portal where the user introduces the state or province in a postal address, for example creating a contact. This new feature validates if the state/province is included in OFAC list from the United States Government. In that case the operation will not be allowed and the system will return a message informing that the registry cannot provide services to individuals/entities based in countries that are sanctioned by the government of the USA. The validation will be by country and state/province which means the state/province plus the country set by the user should match with one of the combinations of the OFAC list. These are some examples related to the current situation in Crimea Peninsula: - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Ukraine - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Russian Federation - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: United States - Result: Successful This addition complements the existing functionality which validates if the entered country is in the OFAC list." **Allocation token: Override feature for reserved domains** When the sale of a Donuts domain is made directly to a registrant (for example via pioneer programs), the domain name is kept in a reserved state (by Donuts) until the registrant is able to register the domain name through their preferred registrar. In this context Donuts launched the reserved domain override feature called "allocation token". The feature allows Donuts operations staff to assign an override token to a domain name. Donuts then provides this token to the registrant. The registrant uses the token during the registration process to override the reserved status, which allows the allocation of the domain name to proceed. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=consulting.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.nic.cx/ | |
Registry Villkor: | http://cxda.org.cx/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://cxda.org.cx/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.cx_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=cx.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.nic.cz | |
Registry Villkor: | https://www.nic.cz/files/documents/20190101_Business_Terms_and_Conditions_AJ.pdf | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://www.nic.cz/files/documents/20180525_Pravidla_registrace_CZ_-_AJ.pdf | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.cz_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=cz.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.denic.de | |
Registry Villkor: | https://www.denic.de/domainbedingungen/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://www.denic.de/en/service/dispute/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions - DENIC might request a valid address (no P.O. Box) located in Germany from the owner contact. - Nameservers must be configured in advance. - Please note that DENIC has very strict requirements on how nameservers should be configured. - One of these restrictions affect the use of vanity nameservers. If you are using your own vanity nameservers pointing at the IP Addresses of nameservers operated by RRPProxy and receive an error "118 - Inconsistent set of NS RRs (IP, NS host names)", please use the default RRPProxy nameservers instead (see https://wiki.rrpproxy.net/dns/keydns/the-unicast-infrastructure ). - You can test your configuration using DENIC's web based [ZoneCheck](https://nast.denic.de/). For additional information on how the DENIC Zonecheck tool works and the most common errors, please refer to the documentation available on that page. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=de.
Registry Hemsida: | https://identity.digital/ | |
Registry Villkor: | https://identity.digital/policies/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://identity.digital/policies/sunrise-and-dpml-dispute-resolution-policy/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions **Donuts registry: Extended validation according to the OFAC list** "A new validation has been added to the pages of the portal where the user introduces the state or province in a postal address, for example creating a contact. This new feature validates if the state/province is included in OFAC list from the United States Government. In that case the operation will not be allowed and the system will return a message informing that the registry cannot provide services to individuals/entities based in countries that are sanctioned by the government of the USA. The validation will be by country and state/province which means the state/province plus the country set by the user should match with one of the combinations of the OFAC list. These are some examples related to the current situation in Crimea Peninsula: - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Ukraine - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Russian Federation - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: United States - Result: Successful This addition complements the existing functionality which validates if the entered country is in the OFAC list." **Allocation token: Override feature for reserved domains** When the sale of a Donuts domain is made directly to a registrant (for example via pioneer programs), the domain name is kept in a reserved state (by Donuts) until the registrant is able to register the domain name through their preferred registrar. In this context Donuts launched the reserved domain override feature called "allocation token". The feature allows Donuts operations staff to assign an override token to a domain name. Donuts then provides this token to the registrant. The registrant uses the token during the registration process to override the reserved status, which allows the allocation of the domain name to proceed. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=dental.
Registry Hemsida: | https://identity.digital/ | |
Registry Villkor: | https://identity.digital/policies/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://identity.digital/policies/sunrise-and-dpml-dispute-resolution-policy/ | |
Begränsningar: |
* The parameter X-UNITEDTLD-REGULATORY-DATA is mandatory for regsitration and transfer * X-UNITEDTLD-REGULATORY-DATA => text [Information about the approving authority / controlling authority /regulatory body] * Please note, that there are special registration Requirements for the Regulated TLDs:ENGINEER, .MARKET, MORTGAGE, .DEGREE,.SOFTWARE, .VET, .GIVES, and .REHAB * for the Highly Regulated TLDs:.DENTIST, .ATTORNEY, and .LAWYER * and for the Military TLDs:.ARMY, .NAVY, and .AIRFORCE. More information can be found in the [http://rightside.co/fileadmin/downloads/policies/UnitedTLD_Registration_Terms.pdf Registration Terms]. Please inform yourself about the registration requirements '''before''' registering a regulated, Highly regulated or Military TLD. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=dentist.
Registry Hemsida: | http://toplevel.design/design/ | |
Registry Villkor: | https://toplevel.design/policy | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://toplevel.design/policy | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.design_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=design.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.dk-hostmaster.dk | |
Registry Villkor: | https://www.dk-hostmaster.dk/en/terms | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://www.domaeneklager.dk/en | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions - Name servers for ._dk_ domain names must be approved by Hostmaster-DK before sending a registration request. - Register name server - All name servers in the .dk zone must be registered and approved by DK hostmaster. - To get this approval of name servers, the administrator must document the needed technical knowledge about dns, including setting up domain names on a name server. DK Hostmaster does not support setting up name servers. - As a part of the approving process, the applicant must allow zone transfer from the name servers to: - Name server at DK Hostmaster: hostcount.dk-hostmaster.dk - IPv4 address: - IPv6 address: 2a01:630:0:40:3:4:5:6 - The form has become obsolete. Please use the Hostmaster-DK [website](https://self-service.dk-hostmaster.dk/navneserver/opret) instead. Approval of name servers will take a minimum of 2 work days to process. When the name servers are approved, the registry will notify you in an email. - For the change of nameservers please see procedure below - This section of DK Hostmasters website directs primary to DNS contacts - Existing name servers must be administrated, using the registry [self service](https://self-service.dk-hostmaster.dk/domain). - New name servers can be created using this [link](http://self-service.dk-hostmaster.dk/navneserver/opret). - Change name servers IP address: - When a name server receives a new IP address, DK Hostmaster only needs to update this information, if the name server is a part of the .dk zone and the name server hosts its own domain. - If the name server is not in the .dk zone? It will not be possible to make the update in the .dk zone. The update must be performed in the name servers zone. Ex. .com, .org or .net. - Does the name server run its own domain? Changes of the name servers IP addresses must be updated, using registry self service. - How can I see if the name server is running its own domain? In this example, we use the registry name servers: - authns1.ngdc.net - auth01.dk-hostmaster.dk - auth02.dk-hostmaster.dk - all run our domain: dk-hostmaster.dk - As the name for two of the registry name servers both dk-hostmaster.dk, the registry says, they run their own domain. That is why changes of these name servers IP addresses, must be updated in the registry self service. The name server authns1.ngdc.net must be updated in the .net zone. - Changing the name of your name server If the name server is to given a new name, it must be registered, and approved by dk-hostmaster. After the approval, all domain names can be redelegated internally to the new name server. Then the old name server, can be removed from the .dk zone. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=dk.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.nic.dm | |
Registry Villkor: | http://nic.dm/policies/pdf/DM%20Rules%20and%20Guidelines%202019%20V1.2.pdf | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://nic.dm/policies/pdf/DM%20Dispute%20Policy%202019%20V1.3.pdf | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions No pornographic, racist or illegal content. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=dm.
Registry Hemsida: | http://donuts.co | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.donuts.co/policies/acceptable-use/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://donuts.domains/about/policies/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions **Donuts registry: Extended validation according to the OFAC list** "A new validation has been added to the pages of the portal where the user introduces the state or province in a postal address, for example creating a contact. This new feature validates if the state/province is included in OFAC list from the United States Government. In that case the operation will not be allowed and the system will return a message informing that the registry cannot provide services to individuals/entities based in countries that are sanctioned by the government of the USA. The validation will be by country and state/province which means the state/province plus the country set by the user should match with one of the combinations of the OFAC list. These are some examples related to the current situation in Crimea Peninsula: - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Ukraine - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Russian Federation - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: United States - Result: Successful This addition complements the existing functionality which validates if the entered country is in the OFAC list." **Allocation token: Override feature for reserved domains** When the sale of a Donuts domain is made directly to a registrant (for example via pioneer programs), the domain name is kept in a reserved state (by Donuts) until the registrant is able to register the domain name through their preferred registrar. In this context Donuts launched the reserved domain override feature called "allocation token". The feature allows Donuts operations staff to assign an override token to a domain name. Donuts then provides this token to the registrant. The registrant uses the token during the registration process to override the reserved status, which allows the allocation of the domain name to proceed. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=domains.
Registry Hemsida: | http://nic.ec | |
Registry Villkor: | https://nic.ec/content.php?action=mypages&page=acuerdo.html | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.nic.ec/info/eng/resolution.htm | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions No domain names which: - are formed by words or phrases that may turn offensive, harsh or that may affect moral or public order or that may go against Ecuadorian Law. - deal with official aspects or subjects without a proper authorization. - match with protocol names, applications and terminology of the Internet or domain name terminology , e.g. "http", "web", "www", "ftp", "telnet", "email", etc. - match identically and under the same level, with existing domain names within the database of NIC.EC. - match names restricted for registry, according to NIC.EC Policies. - country names and city names are blocked. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=ec.
Registry Hemsida: | http://nic.ec | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.nic.ec/info/eng/resolution.htm | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions No domain names which: - are formed by words or phrases that may turn offensive, harsh or that may affect moral or public order or that may go against Ecuadorian Law. - deal with official aspects or subjects without a proper authorization. - match with protocol names, applications and terminology of the Internet or domain name terminology , e.g. "http", "web", "www", "ftp", "telnet", "email", etc. - match identically and under the same level, with existing domain names within the database of NIC.EC. - match names restricted for registry, according to NIC.EC Policies. - country names and city names are blocked. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=info_ec.
Registry Hemsida: | http://internet.ee/ | |
Registry Villkor: | https://meedia.internet.ee/files/Domain_Regulation_EN_01.07.2020.pdf | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://meedia.internet.ee/files/Rules_of_the_Domain_Disputes_Committee_EN_01.07.2020%20(1).pdf | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions - No domain name which is in contravention of public order or generally recognised moral standards or if it may mislead the public. - Certain domains are blocked and these cannot be registered as a Domain Name. The list of blocked domains is published on the EIF website. - Certain domains are reserved and these can only be registered as Domain Names under special conditions. The list of reserved domains and the special conditions for their registration are published on the EIF website. - Legal persons cannot assign as admin contact - com.ee - Only for companies (incorporated entities) as defined in the Commercial Code - pri.ee - individuals - fie.ee - self employed people (sole proprietors) as defined in the Commercial Code - med.ee - for medical instituations - The following status are not supported - ClientDeleteProhibited, ClientHold, ClientRenewProhibited, ClientTransferProhibited, ClientUpdateProhibited |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=ee.
Registry Hemsida: | http://donuts.co | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.donuts.co/policies/acceptable-use/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://donuts.domains/about/policies/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions **Donuts registry: Extended validation according to the OFAC list** "A new validation has been added to the pages of the portal where the user introduces the state or province in a postal address, for example creating a contact. This new feature validates if the state/province is included in OFAC list from the United States Government. In that case the operation will not be allowed and the system will return a message informing that the registry cannot provide services to individuals/entities based in countries that are sanctioned by the government of the USA. The validation will be by country and state/province which means the state/province plus the country set by the user should match with one of the combinations of the OFAC list. These are some examples related to the current situation in Crimea Peninsula: - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Ukraine - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Russian Federation - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: United States - Result: Successful This addition complements the existing functionality which validates if the entered country is in the OFAC list." **Allocation token: Override feature for reserved domains** When the sale of a Donuts domain is made directly to a registrant (for example via pioneer programs), the domain name is kept in a reserved state (by Donuts) until the registrant is able to register the domain name through their preferred registrar. In this context Donuts launched the reserved domain override feature called "allocation token". The feature allows Donuts operations staff to assign an override token to a domain name. Donuts then provides this token to the registrant. The registrant uses the token during the registration process to override the reserved status, which allows the allocation of the domain name to proceed. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=email.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.nic.es/ | |
Registry Villkor: | https://www.dominios.es/dominios/en/todo-lo-que-necesitas-saber/sobre-registros-de-dominios/terms-and-conditions | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.dominios.es/dominios/en/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions - Admin-, Tech- and Billing- contact have to be a natural person - Since 2010 it is no longer possible to change the contact information of the domain holder trough a registrar. - The domain holder has to login at the registry with his NIC handle (can be found in whois information). The password can be recovered here: [https://www.nic.es/sgnd/contacto/passRecoverInicializar.action?tContacto.nic](https://www.nic.es/sgnd/contacto/passRecoverInicializar.action?tContacto.nic). The domain holder will then receive an email with his credentials. - The email address of the domain holder and admin contact can only be changed by the respective contact at the registry directly. The SGND the list of reserved terms consisting of names of toponyms that coincide with the official denomination of the Territorial Public Administrations can be found here (https://www.dominios.es/sites/dominios/files/2021-08/toponimos\_20210212.pdf). These names are put on hold when registrations are submitted, the applications are rejected if requirements are not met. Anyone can submit a registration so it's not blocked. However the eligibility criteria is as follows: The owner of the domain must be the Territorial Public Administration, the constitutional body, the State Institution or the international or supranational organisation, legitimised to request the domain name in accordance with the list of reserved terms, approved by Instruction of the President of the Public Business Entity Red.es dated 12 September 2005. Only legal persons/ organisations can register these reserved domains. The organisation name must match the reserved names/ include the reserved name I believe. Once registrations are submitted, the order goes into 'PDOC'/ Pending Documentation status. If documents are not submitted within 10 days the registration will be cancelled. Documents that are submitted are reviewed by their team within 24-48hrs (as confirmed by phone). Documents required: - Documentation accrediting that the holder is the Territorial Public Administration, constitutional body, State Institution or international or supranational body, legitimised to request the domain name in accordance with the list of reserved terms, approved by Instruction of the President of the Public Business Entity Red.es dated 12 September 2005. FOR NIF (TAX number) - Copy of the holder's Tax Identification Card. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=es.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.eurid.eu | |
Registry Villkor: | https://eurid.eu/d/7556497/Terms_and_Conditions_EN.pdf | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://eurid.eu/en/register-a-eu-domain/domain-name-disputes/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions The following categories of companies, organisations and individuals will be able to register a ._eu_ domain: - undertakings having their registered office, central administration or principal place of business within the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Norway; - organisations established within the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Norway without prejudice to the application of national law; - natural persons resident European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Norway; - citizens of the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Norway, independently of their place of residence - All others can use our trustee service. - As there is no existing admin contact at the registry, the admin contact in our system will always be the same as the owner contact. **A** buse **P** revention **E** arly **W** arning **S** ystem(APEWS): Launch of a new mechanism that determines whether the delegation is delayed - 1.1. Introduction - The status Delayed indicates that the delegation of a domain name in the .eu zone file cannot be completed immediately. A registration may have this status whenever name servers are added for the first time, either during the registration process or later when updating the domain name. - EURid postponed the immediate delegation in the .eu zone file for this domain name. - Any update, delete or transfer transactions can be performed on a delayed domain name via EPP commands or the Registrar Extranet. However, these changes will not be reflected in the .eu zone file. Delayed domain names are temporarily inactive, which means that the website or email address is not working. - The APEWS (Abuse Prevention Early Warning System) algorithm has been developed by KU Leuven University (Belgium). The algorithm will flag potentially abusive registrations and prevent the immediate delegation of these domain names. EURid will make the final decision on the delegation. The APEWS mechanism could cause the status Delayed to be assigned to more domain names on average. - 1.3. Why delay the delegation of a domain name? - By default, domain names will be immediately delegated into the .eu zone file once name servers have been defined. - Delayed delegation is a dedicated EURid service that will prevent suspicious domain names from entering the .eu zone file immediately. Before the final delegation of a domain name, parameters are checked by verification systems based on machine learning rules. The parameters include but are not limited to: registration data of the domain name holder; name servers used; or abuse notifications from third parties (e.g. spam house). The verification systems will receive notification of registered domain names and will verify if these domain names could potentially lead to abuses. If so, a verification email message is sent to the domain name holder with the registrar in copy. - Delayed delegation relies on the APEWS algorithm developed by KU Leuven University. The algorithm will suggest a decision regarding whether or not to delay the delegation of a domain name. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=eu.
Registry Hemsida: | http://donuts.co | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.donuts.co/policies/acceptable-use/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://donuts.domains/about/policies/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions **Donuts registry: Extended validation according to the OFAC list** "A new validation has been added to the pages of the portal where the user introduces the state or province in a postal address, for example creating a contact. This new feature validates if the state/province is included in OFAC list from the United States Government. In that case the operation will not be allowed and the system will return a message informing that the registry cannot provide services to individuals/entities based in countries that are sanctioned by the government of the USA. The validation will be by country and state/province which means the state/province plus the country set by the user should match with one of the combinations of the OFAC list. These are some examples related to the current situation in Crimea Peninsula: - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Ukraine - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Russian Federation - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: United States - Result: Successful This addition complements the existing functionality which validates if the entered country is in the OFAC list." **Allocation token: Override feature for reserved domains** When the sale of a Donuts domain is made directly to a registrant (for example via pioneer programs), the domain name is kept in a reserved state (by Donuts) until the registrant is able to register the domain name through their preferred registrar. In this context Donuts launched the reserved domain override feature called "allocation token". The feature allows Donuts operations staff to assign an override token to a domain name. Donuts then provides this token to the registrant. The registrant uses the token during the registration process to override the reserved status, which allows the allocation of the domain name to proceed. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=expert.
Registry Hemsida: | http://donuts.co | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.donuts.co/policies/acceptable-use/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://donuts.domains/about/policies/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions **Donuts registry: Extended validation according to the OFAC list** "A new validation has been added to the pages of the portal where the user introduces the state or province in a postal address, for example creating a contact. This new feature validates if the state/province is included in OFAC list from the United States Government. In that case the operation will not be allowed and the system will return a message informing that the registry cannot provide services to individuals/entities based in countries that are sanctioned by the government of the USA. The validation will be by country and state/province which means the state/province plus the country set by the user should match with one of the combinations of the OFAC list. These are some examples related to the current situation in Crimea Peninsula: - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Ukraine - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Russian Federation - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: United States - Result: Successful This addition complements the existing functionality which validates if the entered country is in the OFAC list." **Allocation token: Override feature for reserved domains** When the sale of a Donuts domain is made directly to a registrant (for example via pioneer programs), the domain name is kept in a reserved state (by Donuts) until the registrant is able to register the domain name through their preferred registrar. In this context Donuts launched the reserved domain override feature called "allocation token". The feature allows Donuts operations staff to assign an override token to a domain name. Donuts then provides this token to the registrant. The registrant uses the token during the registration process to override the reserved status, which allows the allocation of the domain name to proceed. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=exposed.
Registry Hemsida: | http://donuts.co | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.donuts.co/policies/acceptable-use/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://donuts.domains/about/policies/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions **Donuts registry: Extended validation according to the OFAC list** "A new validation has been added to the pages of the portal where the user introduces the state or province in a postal address, for example creating a contact. This new feature validates if the state/province is included in OFAC list from the United States Government. In that case the operation will not be allowed and the system will return a message informing that the registry cannot provide services to individuals/entities based in countries that are sanctioned by the government of the USA. The validation will be by country and state/province which means the state/province plus the country set by the user should match with one of the combinations of the OFAC list. These are some examples related to the current situation in Crimea Peninsula: - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Ukraine - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Russian Federation - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: United States - Result: Successful This addition complements the existing functionality which validates if the entered country is in the OFAC list." **Allocation token: Override feature for reserved domains** When the sale of a Donuts domain is made directly to a registrant (for example via pioneer programs), the domain name is kept in a reserved state (by Donuts) until the registrant is able to register the domain name through their preferred registrar. In this context Donuts launched the reserved domain override feature called "allocation token". The feature allows Donuts operations staff to assign an override token to a domain name. Donuts then provides this token to the registrant. The registrant uses the token during the registration process to override the reserved status, which allows the allocation of the domain name to proceed. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=express.
Registry Hemsida: | http://dotfans.net/ | |
Registry Villkor: | http://nic.fans/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.icann.org/en/help/dndr/udrp/policy | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.fans_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=fans.
Registry Hemsida: | https://www.viestintavirasto.fi/en/fidomain.html | |
Registry Villkor: | https://www.traficom.fi/en/communications/fi-domains/all-pages-and-services-fi-domain-disputes?active=2&limit=20&offset=0 | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://www.traficom.fi/en/communications/fi-domains/fi-domain-disputes | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions - Although there are no more restrictions for ._fi_ registrations, the registry still demands several extensions - DNSSEC does not support SHA-1 - **The DNSSEC signing algorithm 5 - RSASHA1 (RSA/SHA-1) WILL NO LONGER BE SUPPORTED as of 13 September 2020**. .Fi domain names using Algorithm 5 keys will continue to operate normally and Traficom will not remove records currently in use from the ._fi_ root. After the change, no new RSA/SHA-1 keys can be added. This means that another permitted algorithm must be used once the current keys are rotated out. **Why this change is being made:** The RSA/SHA-1 Algorithm is no longer considered secure. At a later time, Algorithm 7 will also be phased out. We therefore recommend to discontinue its use. Once the change has taken effect, the supported DNSSEC signing algorithms are the following: • Algorithm 7 - RSASHA1-NSEC3-SHA1 • Algorithm 8 - RSASHA256 (RSA/SHA-256) • Algorithm 10 - RSASHA512 (RSA/SHA-512) • Algorithm 13 - ECDSAP256SHA256 (ECDSA Curve P-256 with SHA-256) The adoption of Algorithm 15 - Ed25519 is currently being considered and support for it will be available in the future. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=fi.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.nic.film | |
Registry Villkor: | http://nic.film/#documents | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.icann.org/en/help/dndr/udrp/policy | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.film_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=film.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.dot.fm/ | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.dot.fm/policy.cfm | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.dot.fm/policy.html | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.fm_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=fm.
Registry Hemsida: | http://donuts.co | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.donuts.co/policies/acceptable-use/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://donuts.domains/about/policies/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions **Donuts registry: Extended validation according to the OFAC list** "A new validation has been added to the pages of the portal where the user introduces the state or province in a postal address, for example creating a contact. This new feature validates if the state/province is included in OFAC list from the United States Government. In that case the operation will not be allowed and the system will return a message informing that the registry cannot provide services to individuals/entities based in countries that are sanctioned by the government of the USA. The validation will be by country and state/province which means the state/province plus the country set by the user should match with one of the combinations of the OFAC list. These are some examples related to the current situation in Crimea Peninsula: - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Ukraine - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Russian Federation - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: United States - Result: Successful This addition complements the existing functionality which validates if the entered country is in the OFAC list." **Allocation token: Override feature for reserved domains** When the sale of a Donuts domain is made directly to a registrant (for example via pioneer programs), the domain name is kept in a reserved state (by Donuts) until the registrant is able to register the domain name through their preferred registrar. In this context Donuts launched the reserved domain override feature called "allocation token". The feature allows Donuts operations staff to assign an override token to a domain name. Donuts then provides this token to the registrant. The registrant uses the token during the registration process to override the reserved status, which allows the allocation of the domain name to proceed. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=forsale.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.nic.fr | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.afnic.fr/obtenir/chartes/fondamentaux_en | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://www.syreli.fr/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions - The tech contact must **NOT** be identical with the owner contact. - COM.FR, ASSO.FR and TM.FR 3rd level domains are not available for registration anymore since December 6th 2012. It is also not possible to change the registrant for a .COM.FR, ASSO.FR and TM.FR domain names. - Both owner and admin contact require a local address within the European Union (please see below list). If one of the contacts has no local address in European Union, you may use our trustee service for both contacts; the trustee service cannot be used only for one of the two contacts. - Name servers for ._fr_ domains have to be correctly configured prior to the actual registration. - The registry does not use name server objects; instead, only glue records are supported, wherefore a ModifyDomain has to be issued and a ModifyNameserver is not sufficient Registrants from the following European countries are allowed to register domain names under ._fr_ and the other AFNIC TLDs: - AT - Austria - AX - Aland Islands - BE - Belgium - BG - Bulgaria - CH - Switzerland - CY - Cypress - CZ - Czech Republic - DE - Germany - DK - Denmark - EE - Estonia - ES - Spain - FI - Finland - FR - France - GF - French Guiana - GP - Guadeloupe - GR - Greece - HU - Hungary - IE - Ireland - IS - Iceland - IT - Italy - LI - Liechtenstein - LT - Lithuania - LU - Luxembourg - LV - Latvia - MQ - Martinique - MT - Malta - NC - New Caledonia - NL - Netherlands - NO - Norway - PF - French Polynesia - PL - Poland - PM - Saint Pierre and Miquelon - PT - Portugal - RE - Reunion - RO - Romania - SE - Sweden - SI - Slovenia - SK - Slovakia - TF - French Southern Territories - WF - Wallis and Futuna - YT - Mayotte **Restrictions on individuals and corporate entities which are eligible to register a domain name** Any individual residing and any legal entity having its headquarters or principal place of business as specified below may apply to register or renew a domain name in each of the top-level domains: - within the territory of one of the member states of the European Union; - within the territory of the following countries: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. The domain name holder and the administrative contact must be reachable. As such, both the holder and the administrative contact must provide details of a valid telephone number and e-mail address, including accurate information to establish their identities. While the domain name is active, they must ensure that such information is kept up-to-date at all times. **Reserved domain names** Reserved domain names of the registry for special use or special individuals or organizations can be found here [http://www.afnic.fr/obtenir/chartes/fondamentaux](http://www.afnic.fr/obtenir/chartes/fondamentaux) **Prohibited terms** The list of terms that cannot be registered because they are "prohibited terms" includes, in particular - Abusive terms - Racist terms - Obscene terms - Terms relating to crime or offenses **Reserved terms** The list of terms that are "reserved" and can be registered only subject to special conditions, based on the identity or rights of the applicant include, in particular - Technical Internet terms - Names of regulated professions; - Terms relating to government operation; - Names of the signatory countries of the Paris Convention; - Dedicated names or terms of international organizations; - Names of French towns and villages in their base form: the list of reserved terms can be consulted directly on the INSEE website; - The name of the French Republic, its national institutions and public services, either alone or associated with words referring to such institutions or services - The name of a local authority, inter-municipal agreement with agglomeration-wide fiscal resources, either alone or associated with words or abbreviations referring to local institutions - The name of someone in office, associated with words referring to their elective functions. (_Under Article R.20-44-43-IV, provisions 7 to 9 do not prevent the renewal of domain names registered before the enactment of France's Domain Name Allocation and Management Act 2007, amending the French Electronic Communications and Telecommunications Act)_ - By a company whose name is identical to the registered name and which registered that name as a trademark before 1st January 2004 - By an association whose mission is to defend and promote a protected "designation of origin" for which the name has been registered. The registration of reserved terms may be subject to specific provisions stipulated in the Procedures Manual. - The use of certificates for domain names using trustee service will not be possible. **Please Note:** AFNIC may delete, on its own decision, some domain names that do not follow the naming charter after identification operations and/or eligibility checks. From now on, these domain names will no longer be subjected to the redemption period and the outgoing registrar will not be able to restore them. For technical reasons, the deletion operation will be in two steps: - AFNIC will transfer the domain names to its own account. In the Whois database, these domain names will appear under the registrar name : AFNIC -Opération-Interne - Definite deletion of the domain names by AFNIC. This deletion without redemption starts immediatly. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=fr.
Registry Hemsida: | http://donuts.co | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.donuts.co/policies/acceptable-use/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://donuts.domains/about/policies/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions **Donuts registry: Extended validation according to the OFAC list** "A new validation has been added to the pages of the portal where the user introduces the state or province in a postal address, for example creating a contact. This new feature validates if the state/province is included in OFAC list from the United States Government. In that case the operation will not be allowed and the system will return a message informing that the registry cannot provide services to individuals/entities based in countries that are sanctioned by the government of the USA. The validation will be by country and state/province which means the state/province plus the country set by the user should match with one of the combinations of the OFAC list. These are some examples related to the current situation in Crimea Peninsula: - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Ukraine - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Russian Federation - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: United States - Result: Successful This addition complements the existing functionality which validates if the entered country is in the OFAC list." **Allocation token: Override feature for reserved domains** When the sale of a Donuts domain is made directly to a registrant (for example via pioneer programs), the domain name is kept in a reserved state (by Donuts) until the registrant is able to register the domain name through their preferred registrar. In this context Donuts launched the reserved domain override feature called "allocation token". The feature allows Donuts operations staff to assign an override token to a domain name. Donuts then provides this token to the registrant. The registrant uses the token during the registration process to override the reserved status, which allows the allocation of the domain name to proceed. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=fyi.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.my.ga/en/index.html?lang=en | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions Contact updates are possible except for name & country of registrant. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=ga.
Registry Hemsida: | https://www.unr.com | |
Registry Villkor: | https://uniregistry.link/registry-policies/?file=441 | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://uniregistry.link/report-abuse/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.game_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=game.
Registry Hemsida: | http://nic.gd/index.php | |
Registry Villkor: | http://nic.gd/terms.php | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://nic.gd/terms.php | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.gd_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=gd.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.nic.gg | |
Registry Villkor: | https://www.channelisles.net | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.channelisles.net/tandc.shtml | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions A list of reserved names is maintained by the Registry at its discretion in consultation with the Insular Authorities (the Islands’ Governments). This list is not open to inspection. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=gg.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.nic.gl/ | |
Registry Villkor: | http://nic.gl/registration-agreement | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.nic.gl/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.gl_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=gl.
Registry Hemsida: | http://nic.global | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.nic.global/registry-policies.php | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.icann.org/en/help/dndr/udrp/policy | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions - ._global_ reserved names: [https://go.global/registrars/names-space/](https://go.global/registrars/names-space/) |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=global.
Registry Hemsida: | http://donuts.co | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.donuts.co/policies/acceptable-use/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://donuts.domains/about/policies/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions **Donuts registry: Extended validation according to the OFAC list** "A new validation has been added to the pages of the portal where the user introduces the state or province in a postal address, for example creating a contact. This new feature validates if the state/province is included in OFAC list from the United States Government. In that case the operation will not be allowed and the system will return a message informing that the registry cannot provide services to individuals/entities based in countries that are sanctioned by the government of the USA. The validation will be by country and state/province which means the state/province plus the country set by the user should match with one of the combinations of the OFAC list. These are some examples related to the current situation in Crimea Peninsula: - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Ukraine - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Russian Federation - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: United States - Result: Successful This addition complements the existing functionality which validates if the entered country is in the OFAC list." **Allocation token: Override feature for reserved domains** When the sale of a Donuts domain is made directly to a registrant (for example via pioneer programs), the domain name is kept in a reserved state (by Donuts) until the registrant is able to register the domain name through their preferred registrar. In this context Donuts launched the reserved domain override feature called "allocation token". The feature allows Donuts operations staff to assign an override token to a domain name. Donuts then provides this token to the registrant. The registrant uses the token during the registration process to override the reserved status, which allows the allocation of the domain name to proceed. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=golf.
Registry Hemsida: | https://grweb.ics.forth.gr/public/index.jsp?lang=el | |
Registry Villkor: | https://grweb.ics.forth.gr/public/index.jsp?lang=en | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://grweb.ics.forth.gr/public/index.jsp?lang=en | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions A list of rejected domain names can be found on the [registry website](https://grweb.ics.forth.gr/public/noreg.jsp?lang=en) |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=gr.
Registry Hemsida: | http://donuts.co | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.donuts.co/policies/acceptable-use/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://donuts.domains/about/policies/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions **Donuts registry: Extended validation according to the OFAC list** "A new validation has been added to the pages of the portal where the user introduces the state or province in a postal address, for example creating a contact. This new feature validates if the state/province is included in OFAC list from the United States Government. In that case the operation will not be allowed and the system will return a message informing that the registry cannot provide services to individuals/entities based in countries that are sanctioned by the government of the USA. The validation will be by country and state/province which means the state/province plus the country set by the user should match with one of the combinations of the OFAC list. These are some examples related to the current situation in Crimea Peninsula: - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Ukraine - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Russian Federation - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: United States - Result: Successful This addition complements the existing functionality which validates if the entered country is in the OFAC list." **Allocation token: Override feature for reserved domains** When the sale of a Donuts domain is made directly to a registrant (for example via pioneer programs), the domain name is kept in a reserved state (by Donuts) until the registrant is able to register the domain name through their preferred registrar. In this context Donuts launched the reserved domain override feature called "allocation token". The feature allows Donuts operations staff to assign an override token to a domain name. Donuts then provides this token to the registrant. The registrant uses the token during the registration process to override the reserved status, which allows the allocation of the domain name to proceed. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=gratis.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.nic.gs/ | |
Registry Villkor: | http://cocca.cx/index.php/member-policies-/south-georgia/legacy-policy/gs-registrant-agreement.pdf | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://cocca.org.nz/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.gs_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=gs.
Registry Hemsida: | http://donuts.co | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.donuts.co/policies/acceptable-use/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://donuts.domains/about/policies/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions **Donuts registry: Extended validation according to the OFAC list** "A new validation has been added to the pages of the portal where the user introduces the state or province in a postal address, for example creating a contact. This new feature validates if the state/province is included in OFAC list from the United States Government. In that case the operation will not be allowed and the system will return a message informing that the registry cannot provide services to individuals/entities based in countries that are sanctioned by the government of the USA. The validation will be by country and state/province which means the state/province plus the country set by the user should match with one of the combinations of the OFAC list. These are some examples related to the current situation in Crimea Peninsula: - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Ukraine - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Russian Federation - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: United States - Result: Successful This addition complements the existing functionality which validates if the entered country is in the OFAC list." **Allocation token: Override feature for reserved domains** When the sale of a Donuts domain is made directly to a registrant (for example via pioneer programs), the domain name is kept in a reserved state (by Donuts) until the registrant is able to register the domain name through their preferred registrar. In this context Donuts launched the reserved domain override feature called "allocation token". The feature allows Donuts operations staff to assign an override token to a domain name. Donuts then provides this token to the registrant. The registrant uses the token during the registration process to override the reserved status, which allows the allocation of the domain name to proceed. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=guru.
Registry Hemsida: | http://nic.hamburg | |
Registry Villkor: | http://nic.hamburg | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.icann.org/en/help/dndr/udrp/policy | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions Eligible to register a domain name under the top-level domain ._hamburg_ is any natural person, legal person, organization or association of persons, if they can demonstrate that they have an economic, cultural, historical, social or any other connection to the metropolitan area of Hamburg, verifiable by: - their residence or second home, office or place of business, a branch or permanent establishment in the metropolitan area of Hamburg, or - a contact listed in the Whois (Owner/Admin-C) database with a domicile in the metropolitan area of Hamburg, or - other appropriate proof e.g. the certification by an employer to enroll at a school or college, or birth certificate. It is permissible for a proxy or a privacy service to register a domain name, acting for the actual owner of the domain name. - Reserved domain names are sold by the registry themselves, wherefore it is only possible to register those domain names with an authcode acquired from the registry - A CheckDomain will provide the following response: [RESPONSE] code = 210 description = Domain name available; Domain name not available publicly, RESERVATION The ._hamburg_ registry kindly reminds that all registrants who registered a .HAMBURG domain name need to comply with the registration requirements published on the [registry website](https://nic.hamburg/richtlinien/). |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=hamburg.
Registry Hemsida: | https://internetnaming.co/ | |
Registry Villkor: | https://uniregistry.link/registry-policies/?file=441 | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://uniregistry.link/report-abuse/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.hiv_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=hiv.
Registry Hemsida: | https://www.hkirc.hk/en/ | |
Registry Villkor: | https://www.hkirc.hk/upload/page/38/pdf_1/5e6b172e68b29.pdf | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://www.hkirc.hk/en/our_support/domain_dispute_policies_and_procedures/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions - Owner has to be located in Hong Kong - A company registration number and supporting documents are required (for organizations) or a faxed copy of the personal ID/passport (for individuals) is required for registration. - For a Second-Level '.hk' domain name, applications are accepted from organizations and individuals from both local and overseas. - Use of the word "government", "bank", "assurance", "insurance" or derivatives of these names require additional justification documents. - The change of name servers is **NOT** free of charge for a domain under an **old contract**! To change the name servers you have to accept a special parameter "ACCEPT-NSCHANGE=1". You can check the information with the "StatusDomain" command. The domain parameter X-HK-CONTRACT-VERSION (e.g. in the response of a StatusDomain) shows the needed information. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=hk.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.nic.hn | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.nic.hn/english/politicas.html | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.icann.org/en/help/dndr/udrp/policy | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.hn_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=hn.
Registry Hemsida: | http://donuts.co | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.donuts.co/policies/acceptable-use/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://donuts.domains/about/policies/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions **Donuts registry: Extended validation according to the OFAC list** "A new validation has been added to the pages of the portal where the user introduces the state or province in a postal address, for example creating a contact. This new feature validates if the state/province is included in OFAC list from the United States Government. In that case the operation will not be allowed and the system will return a message informing that the registry cannot provide services to individuals/entities based in countries that are sanctioned by the government of the USA. The validation will be by country and state/province which means the state/province plus the country set by the user should match with one of the combinations of the OFAC list. These are some examples related to the current situation in Crimea Peninsula: - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Ukraine - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Russian Federation - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: United States - Result: Successful This addition complements the existing functionality which validates if the entered country is in the OFAC list." **Allocation token: Override feature for reserved domains** When the sale of a Donuts domain is made directly to a registrant (for example via pioneer programs), the domain name is kept in a reserved state (by Donuts) until the registrant is able to register the domain name through their preferred registrar. In this context Donuts launched the reserved domain override feature called "allocation token". The feature allows Donuts operations staff to assign an override token to a domain name. Donuts then provides this token to the registrant. The registrant uses the token during the registration process to override the reserved status, which allows the allocation of the domain name to proceed. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=hockey.
Registry Hemsida: | http://donuts.co | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.donuts.co/policies/acceptable-use/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://donuts.domains/about/policies/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions **Donuts registry: Extended validation according to the OFAC list** "A new validation has been added to the pages of the portal where the user introduces the state or province in a postal address, for example creating a contact. This new feature validates if the state/province is included in OFAC list from the United States Government. In that case the operation will not be allowed and the system will return a message informing that the registry cannot provide services to individuals/entities based in countries that are sanctioned by the government of the USA. The validation will be by country and state/province which means the state/province plus the country set by the user should match with one of the combinations of the OFAC list. These are some examples related to the current situation in Crimea Peninsula: - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Ukraine - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Russian Federation - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: United States - Result: Successful This addition complements the existing functionality which validates if the entered country is in the OFAC list." **Allocation token: Override feature for reserved domains** When the sale of a Donuts domain is made directly to a registrant (for example via pioneer programs), the domain name is kept in a reserved state (by Donuts) until the registrant is able to register the domain name through their preferred registrar. In this context Donuts launched the reserved domain override feature called "allocation token". The feature allows Donuts operations staff to assign an override token to a domain name. Donuts then provides this token to the registrant. The registrant uses the token during the registration process to override the reserved status, which allows the allocation of the domain name to proceed. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=holdings.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.isoc.org.il/domains/ | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.isoc.org.il/domains/il-domain-rules.html | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.isoc.org.il/domains/ildrp.html | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions The owner (registrant) and admincontact of a .co.il domain name should be a legal entity (could be a person, or a company or an association): In case of a person, full name should be supplied (no abbreviations like J. Doe). In case of a company the relevant suffix such as "Ltd" (or "Inc". "GMBH" etc.) should be specified. In case of a registered association the suffix "RA" should be specified. ISOC has added a new holder validation procedure(2022/02). They randomly select new domain registrations in order to validate registrant details. Both, the reseller and the holder will receive an email with the request to provide evidence of registrant details accuracies such as passport/ID/driver license copy, email validation, etc. 21 days time frame will be provided to complete the validation. After 21 days period, the domain will be deleted by the registry. No refund option will be applied. If the registrant is a company or an association, they are asking for a company certificate. If the registrant is a natural person, they are asking for a photo ID |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=co_il.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.isoc.org.il/domains/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.isoc.org.il/domains/ildrp.html | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions The owner (registrant) and admincontact of a .co.il domain name should be a legal entity (could be a person, or a company or an association): In case of a person, full name should be supplied (no abbreviations like J. Doe). In case of a company the relevant suffix such as "Ltd" (or "Inc". "GMBH" etc.) should be specified. In case of a registered association the suffix "RA" should be specified. ISOC has added a new holder validation procedure(2022/02). They randomly select new domain registrations in order to validate registrant details. Both, the reseller and the holder will receive an email with the request to provide evidence of registrant details accuracies such as passport/ID/driver license copy, email validation, etc. 21 days time frame will be provided to complete the validation. After 21 days period, the domain will be deleted by the registry. No refund option will be applied. If the registrant is a company or an association, they are asking for a company certificate. If the registrant is a natural person, they are asking for a photo ID |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=org_il.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.inregistry.in | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.registry.in/system/files/Terms_and_Conditions_for_Registrants_1.pdf | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://registry.in/.IN%20Domain%20Name%20Dispute%20Resolution%20Policy%20%28INDRP%29 | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions KYC requirements for .IN The registry for .IN NIXI has introduced know your customer requirements for .IN domain name registrations. Registrants must upon registration the accuracy of their registration data by providing either a copy of their Aadhaar, passport , PAN card or drivers license (for Indian citizens/residents) or passport or national ID card for international registrants, and by confirming the data on a special website of the registry. This documentation must be maintained by the reseller for the duration of the registration and provided to KS upon request. Failure to collect this data may result in the deletion of all affected domain names or the suspension of the right to register and/or renew .IN domain names through our service. The introduction of this policy by the registry also means that the earlier policy limiting the number of domains a registrant can hold is no longer active. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=in.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.info.info/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.icann.org/udrp/udrp-rules-24oct99.htm | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.info_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=info.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.nic.io | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.nic.io/terms.html | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.nic.io/dres.html | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.io_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=io.
Registry Hemsida: | https://www.isnic.is | |
Registry Villkor: | https://www.isnic.is/en/about/terms | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://www.isnic.is/domain/rules.php#9 | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions - Name servers must be pre-configured and [registered with ISNIC](https://www.isnic.is/en/site/login) - Following requirements for the name servers are obliged by the [registry](https://www.isnic.is/en/host/req): - The nameservers must be registered with ISNIC. - Nameservers must allow connection to UDP port 53, and to TCP port 53 as well (see [RFC5966](http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5966.txt?number=5966)) - SOA records must be correctly formatted: - Master nameserver correctly named in the MNAME field. - Working mailbox of responsible party in RNAME field. - Times (refresh, retry and expire) according to [RFC1912](http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1912.txt?number=1912) - TTL for NS records not lower than 24 hours. - Correct NS records. Properly registered in the appropriate zones, both forward and reverse. I.e. the nameserver's name must be included in the PTR record set for the nameserver's IP address. - Zone check tool is available at [https://www.isnic.is/en/host/test](https://www.isnic.is/en/host/test) - _is_ registrants may use the RRPproxy nameservers in the future, if they cannot provide their own name servers that meet the requirements of the registry (special configuration, registration of the used name servers at the registry). If the name servers are not configured correctly during domain name registration, the domain will be parked and will remain inactive. An error will occur, if the registrant tries to update a domain with an incorrect name server configuration. - The usage of a role contact for owner and admin(e.g. Domain Administrator, Hostmaster etc.) is not allowed and will result in the suspension of the domain by ISNIC. in case of an organization, the company name can be splitted and used as first and last name. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=is.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.nic.it | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.nic.it/documents/regulations-and-guidelines/regulation-of-the-assignation-and-management-of-domain-names-in-the-cctldit.pdf | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.nic.it/en/documenti/Regulation5.0.pdf | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions - Only individual and juridical persons residing in or belonging to a EU Member State can register domain names under the ccTLD ._it_: - Austria - Belgium - Cyprus - Czech Republic - Denmark - Esthonia - Finland - France - Germany - United Kingdom - Greece - Hungary - Iceland - Ireland - Italy - Latvia - Liechtenstein - Lithuania - Luxembourg - Malta - Netherlands - Norway - Poland - Portugal - Republic of San Marino - Slovakia - Slovenia - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - Vatican City - All others can use our trustee service to register a ._it_ domain. - Contact handles with country code "IT" have to contain the 2digit ISO code ([ISO\_3166-2:IT](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-2:IT)) which defines codes for the names of the principal subdivisions in Italy. - Name servers for a ._it_ domain have to be correctly configured before the actual registration. The registry checks the name servers for a period of 30 days, else the registration will fail and **the domain will be deleted**. - Please check that the following requirements are met: - The master server stated in the SOA of the zone must be one of the nameservers given with the domain application. - Each nameserver stated in the application must have a valid NS entry. - Check your name server configuration [at the registry](http://dns-check.nic.it/) |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=it.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.nic.je | |
Registry Villkor: | https://www.channelisles.net | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.channelisles.net/tandc.shtml | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.je_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=je.
Registry Hemsida: | http://donuts.co | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.donuts.co/policies/acceptable-use/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://donuts.domains/about/policies/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions **Donuts registry: Extended validation according to the OFAC list** "A new validation has been added to the pages of the portal where the user introduces the state or province in a postal address, for example creating a contact. This new feature validates if the state/province is included in OFAC list from the United States Government. In that case the operation will not be allowed and the system will return a message informing that the registry cannot provide services to individuals/entities based in countries that are sanctioned by the government of the USA. The validation will be by country and state/province which means the state/province plus the country set by the user should match with one of the combinations of the OFAC list. These are some examples related to the current situation in Crimea Peninsula: - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Ukraine - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Russian Federation - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: United States - Result: Successful This addition complements the existing functionality which validates if the entered country is in the OFAC list." **Allocation token: Override feature for reserved domains** When the sale of a Donuts domain is made directly to a registrant (for example via pioneer programs), the domain name is kept in a reserved state (by Donuts) until the registrant is able to register the domain name through their preferred registrar. In this context Donuts launched the reserved domain override feature called "allocation token". The feature allows Donuts operations staff to assign an override token to a domain name. Donuts then provides this token to the registrant. The registrant uses the token during the registration process to override the reserved status, which allows the allocation of the domain name to proceed. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=jetzt.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.employmedia.net/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.icann.org/udrp/udrp-policy-24oct99.htm | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions - Personal registrations are not allowed. - Registration criteria can be found in the ._jobs_ [FAQ](http://goto.jobs/faq/) question 15 through 18. - You can not register a domain with the string jobs in the name, e.g. mycompanyjobs.jobs, therefore you can register mycompany.jobs. - For further questions regarding the domain name, you may [contact the registry directly](mailto:support@goto.jobs). For general Inquiries, please contact [Ray Fassett](mailto:ray@goto.jobs) phone: 1-216-426-1500 ext 129 |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=jobs.
Registry Hemsida: | http://jprs.jp/en/ | |
Registry Villkor: | https://www.japanregistry.com/kiyaku_jrd_ddc.php | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://www.nic.ad.jp/en/drp/index.html | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions - A local address in Japan is provided automatically, if the owner contact does not contain a local Japanese address. - O-Handles are not allowed. First and last name required. - If you are using JP as country code in one of the contact handles (owner, admin, tech or billing contact), the field "state" becomes mandatory and has to contain the 2digit [JISX040](https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%85%A8%E5%9B%BD%E5%9C%B0%E6%96%B9%E5%85%AC%E5%85%B1%E5%9B%A3%E4%BD%93%E3%82%B3%E3%83%BC%E3%83%89) ([ISO 3166-2:JP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-2:JP)) prefecture code. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=jp.
Registry Hemsida: | http://donuts.co | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.donuts.co/policies/acceptable-use/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://donuts.domains/about/policies/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions **Donuts registry: Extended validation according to the OFAC list** "A new validation has been added to the pages of the portal where the user introduces the state or province in a postal address, for example creating a contact. This new feature validates if the state/province is included in OFAC list from the United States Government. In that case the operation will not be allowed and the system will return a message informing that the registry cannot provide services to individuals/entities based in countries that are sanctioned by the government of the USA. The validation will be by country and state/province which means the state/province plus the country set by the user should match with one of the combinations of the OFAC list. These are some examples related to the current situation in Crimea Peninsula: - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Ukraine - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Russian Federation - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: United States - Result: Successful This addition complements the existing functionality which validates if the entered country is in the OFAC list." **Allocation token: Override feature for reserved domains** When the sale of a Donuts domain is made directly to a registrant (for example via pioneer programs), the domain name is kept in a reserved state (by Donuts) until the registrant is able to register the domain name through their preferred registrar. In this context Donuts launched the reserved domain override feature called "allocation token". The feature allows Donuts operations staff to assign an override token to a domain name. Donuts then provides this token to the registrant. The registrant uses the token during the registration process to override the reserved status, which allows the allocation of the domain name to proceed. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=land.
Registry Hemsida: | http://donuts.co | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.donuts.co/policies/acceptable-use/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://donuts.domains/about/policies/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions **Donuts registry: Extended validation according to the OFAC list** "A new validation has been added to the pages of the portal where the user introduces the state or province in a postal address, for example creating a contact. This new feature validates if the state/province is included in OFAC list from the United States Government. In that case the operation will not be allowed and the system will return a message informing that the registry cannot provide services to individuals/entities based in countries that are sanctioned by the government of the USA. The validation will be by country and state/province which means the state/province plus the country set by the user should match with one of the combinations of the OFAC list. These are some examples related to the current situation in Crimea Peninsula: - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Ukraine - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Russian Federation - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: United States - Result: Successful This addition complements the existing functionality which validates if the entered country is in the OFAC list." **Allocation token: Override feature for reserved domains** When the sale of a Donuts domain is made directly to a registrant (for example via pioneer programs), the domain name is kept in a reserved state (by Donuts) until the registrant is able to register the domain name through their preferred registrar. In this context Donuts launched the reserved domain override feature called "allocation token". The feature allows Donuts operations staff to assign an override token to a domain name. Donuts then provides this token to the registrant. The registrant uses the token during the registration process to override the reserved status, which allows the allocation of the domain name to proceed. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=live.
Registry Hemsida: | http://nic.london | |
Registry Villkor: | http://dotlondondomains.london/registry-policies/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.icann.org/en/help/dndr/udrp/policy | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.london_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=london.
Registry Hemsida: | http://nic.love | |
Registry Villkor: | http://getdotlove.domains/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.icann.org/en/help/dndr/udrp/policy | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.love_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=love.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.domreg.lt | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.domreg.lt/static/doc/public/procedural_regulation-en.pdf | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.domreg.lt/static/doc/public/procedural_regulation-en.pdf | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.lt_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=lt.
Registry Hemsida: | https://www.dns.lu/registrar/registrar/ | |
Registry Villkor: | https://www.dns.lu/en/support/general-information/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://www.dns.lu/en/support/general-information/dispute/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions Pre-configured nameservers are required. See [here for zonecheck](http://www.dns.lu/en/support/checking-nameservers/). |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=lu.
Registry Hemsida: | http://nic.lv/DNS/ | |
Registry Villkor: | https://www.nic.lv/en/policy" | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://www.nic.lv/en/policy | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions - Any natural or legal person from any country may obtain rights to use a particular domain name under .LV. To enter into an agreement the natural person has to be at least 18 years old. - The administrative contact must be a natural person(No legal person, otherwise it will be rejected). - If the ownercontact is a private person, the admincontact needs to be the same contacthandle. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=lv.
Registry Hemsida: | http://donuts.co | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.donuts.co/policies/acceptable-use/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://donuts.domains/about/policies/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions **Donuts registry: Extended validation according to the OFAC list** "A new validation has been added to the pages of the portal where the user introduces the state or province in a postal address, for example creating a contact. This new feature validates if the state/province is included in OFAC list from the United States Government. In that case the operation will not be allowed and the system will return a message informing that the registry cannot provide services to individuals/entities based in countries that are sanctioned by the government of the USA. The validation will be by country and state/province which means the state/province plus the country set by the user should match with one of the combinations of the OFAC list. These are some examples related to the current situation in Crimea Peninsula: - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Ukraine - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Russian Federation - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: United States - Result: Successful This addition complements the existing functionality which validates if the entered country is in the OFAC list." **Allocation token: Override feature for reserved domains** When the sale of a Donuts domain is made directly to a registrant (for example via pioneer programs), the domain name is kept in a reserved state (by Donuts) until the registrant is able to register the domain name through their preferred registrar. In this context Donuts launched the reserved domain override feature called "allocation token". The feature allows Donuts operations staff to assign an override token to a domain name. Donuts then provides this token to the registrant. The registrant uses the token during the registration process to override the reserved status, which allows the allocation of the domain name to proceed. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=mba.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.domain.me/ | |
Registry Villkor: | http://domain.me/policies/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.domain.me/index.php?page=6 | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.me_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=me.
Registry Hemsida: | http://nic.men | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.famousfourmedia.com/policies/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.icann.org/en/help/dndr/udrp/policy | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.men_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=men.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.nic.menu | |
Registry Villkor: | http://nic.menu/#documents | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://nic.menu/data/nic.menu/Sunrise%20Dispute%20Resolution%20Policy_National%20Arbitration%20Forum_Menu.pdf | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.menu_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=menu.
Registry Hemsida: | https://my.freenom.com | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions Contact updates are possible except for name & country of registrant. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=ml.
Registry Hemsida: | http://pc.mtld.mobi/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.icann.org/udrp/udrp-policy-24oct99.htm | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.mobi_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=mobi.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.verisign-grs.com/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.icann.org/udrp/udrp-rules-24oct99.htm | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.net_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=net.
Registry Hemsida: | http://donuts.co | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.donuts.co/policies/acceptable-use/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://donuts.domains/about/policies/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions **Donuts registry: Extended validation according to the OFAC list** "A new validation has been added to the pages of the portal where the user introduces the state or province in a postal address, for example creating a contact. This new feature validates if the state/province is included in OFAC list from the United States Government. In that case the operation will not be allowed and the system will return a message informing that the registry cannot provide services to individuals/entities based in countries that are sanctioned by the government of the USA. The validation will be by country and state/province which means the state/province plus the country set by the user should match with one of the combinations of the OFAC list. These are some examples related to the current situation in Crimea Peninsula: - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Ukraine - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Russian Federation - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: United States - Result: Successful This addition complements the existing functionality which validates if the entered country is in the OFAC list." **Allocation token: Override feature for reserved domains** When the sale of a Donuts domain is made directly to a registrant (for example via pioneer programs), the domain name is kept in a reserved state (by Donuts) until the registrant is able to register the domain name through their preferred registrar. In this context Donuts launched the reserved domain override feature called "allocation token". The feature allows Donuts operations staff to assign an override token to a domain name. Donuts then provides this token to the registrant. The registrant uses the token during the registration process to override the reserved status, which allows the allocation of the domain name to proceed. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=ninja.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.sidn.nl | |
Registry Villkor: | https://www.sidn.nl/fileadmin/docs/PDF-files_UK/General Terms and Conditions for .nl Registrants.pdf | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://www.sidn.nl/en/about-nl/disputes-and-complaints/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions Registrant has to be in the Netherlands, but registry automatically uses itself as trustee, which is hidden from the registrant and registrar. Please note that as of February 1, 2021, registrant lookups will be allowed only for .nl domain names in the registrar's own portfolio, or with the registrant's consent. Thus, SIDN will put registrants in full control of their own data. A registrant will then be able to share their details with a registrar whenever the need arises, such as when they want to transfer a domain name or get a quarantined name reinstated. SIDN provides a [tool](https://www.sidn.nl/en/request-registrant-details) that registrants can use to look up their own details and forward them to a registrar or someone else. Registrants must first get to know these new arrangements. Therefore, SIDN has prepared a [template](https://registrars.sidn.nl/downloads/o418m8ey4xoj/5ffFbmMyatWmgs9dS1VbSU/7602506d1a23dd239c42bda69f712db2/Template_request_registrant_details.pdf) text that can be used if a registrant contacts a registrar in a matter where the registrar needs the fullvregistration data of a domain. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=nl.
Registry Hemsida: | https://registrar.norid.no/login | |
Registry Villkor: | https://www.norid.no/en/om-domenenavn/regelverk-for-no/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://www.norid.no/en/konflikt-om-domene/klage-pa-domenenavn/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions - Organizations located in Norway and registered in Norway (Organization Number from Norway Central Register needed), restricted to 100 domainnames per owner. - Enterprises must be registered as an [approved type of organization](https://www.norid.no/regelverk/vedlegg-e.en.html) in the Brønnøysund Register Centre (Enhetsregisteret) and have a Norwegian postal address. - Natural persons are allowed to register since June 17, 2014 and the requirements for individuals to register a .no domain name are: - The applicant must be 18 years or older, registered in the National Registry (Folkeregisteret) with a Norwegian national identity number (fødselsnummer) and have a Norwegian post address. Each private individual may have up to 5 domain names directly under .no. Private persons may also have up to 5 domains within any [geographical category](https://www.norid.no/en/regelverk/navnepolitikk/vedlegg-b) they belong to, and up to 5 domains within priv.no. More information can be found on the [registry website](https://www.norid.no/en/nytt/privatpersoner-2014/). - Pre-configured DNS (for DNS pre-checks us the registry [ZONECHECK](http://dnscheck.norid.no/)). Norid provides [guidelines](https://www.norid.no/en/registrar/soknad/veiledning/navnetjenersjekk/) regarding the configuration. - We have to implement checks to ensure that the data we are provided with is valid and belongs to the party making the registration request. - This is currently being done by calling the registrant and making sure they made the registration request. Other methods that achieve the same goal are possible. - For private person registration we do use the number in the whois. - Also you can provide other documentation such as signed statements with ID copies, that would also be sufficient to meet our obligations. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=no.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.domain.co.no | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://domain.co.no/en/domain-name-charter.html | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.co.no_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=co_no.
Registry Hemsida: | http://nic.nyc | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.icann.org/en/help/dndr/udrp/policy | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions The City of New York desires to have only those individuals or entities having a substantive and lawful connection to the city be permitted to register for ._nyc_ domain names ("[Nexus Policy](https://www.ownit.nyc/policies/nyc-nexus-policy)"). 1. Registrants in ._nyc_ must be either: - A natural person whose primary place of domicile is a valid physical address in the City of New York (“Nexus Category 1”); or - An entity or organization that has a physical street address in the City of New York (“Nexus Category 2”). 2. The existence of a P.O. Box address in the City of New York shall not qualify for purposes of meeting the Nexus Policy. Furthermore all other recommendations of the ._nyc_ Nexus Policy need to be followed too. ._nyc_ [Proxy Registration Policy](https://www.ownit.nyc/policies/nyc-proxy-registration-policy): ._nyc_ does **NOT** allow use of proxy, private or anonymous domain name registrations. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=nyc.
Registry Hemsida: | http://nic.one | |
Registry Villkor: | http://oneregistry.co/documents/dotone_registration_policies.pdf | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.icann.org/en/help/dndr/udrp/policy | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.one_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=one.
Registry Hemsida: | http://radixregistry.com/ | |
Registry Villkor: | http://radixregistry.com/policies/our-experience.php | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.icann.org/en/help/dndr/udrp/policy | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.online_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=online.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.pir.org/ | |
Registry Villkor: | http://pir.org/policies/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.icann.org/udrp/udrp-rules-24oct99.htm | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions You have to specify at least 2 nameservers for a ._org_ domain to become active. You may not specify more than 13 nameservers for ._org_ domains. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=org.
Registry Hemsida: | https://extranet.nic.paris | |
Registry Villkor: | http://nic.paris | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.icann.org/en/help/dndr/udrp/policy | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions To register and renew a ._paris_ domain name, you must be an individual or corporate entity with a bona fide presence in the greater area of Paris at the time of registration and thereafter. In practice, you must be able to demonstrate either: - That you are a resident in the greater area of Paris, or - That you pursue occupational, personal, business or cultural activities in the greater area of Paris, or - That you are directly or indirectly attached to the greater area of Paris. Further details about the eligibility requirements can be found in the [._paris_ Registration Policy](http://bienvenue.paris/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Registration-Policies-Paris-20150115-n-force-on-20-April-2015.pdf). |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=paris.
Registry Hemsida: | http://nic.party | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.famousfourmedia.com/policies/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.icann.org/en/help/dndr/udrp/policy | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.party_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=party.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.nic.pe | |
Registry Villkor: | https://punto.pe/rules_and_procedures.php | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.nic.pe | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.pe_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=pe.
Registry Hemsida: | http://donuts.co | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.donuts.co/policies/acceptable-use/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://donuts.domains/about/policies/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions **Donuts registry: Extended validation according to the OFAC list** "A new validation has been added to the pages of the portal where the user introduces the state or province in a postal address, for example creating a contact. This new feature validates if the state/province is included in OFAC list from the United States Government. In that case the operation will not be allowed and the system will return a message informing that the registry cannot provide services to individuals/entities based in countries that are sanctioned by the government of the USA. The validation will be by country and state/province which means the state/province plus the country set by the user should match with one of the combinations of the OFAC list. These are some examples related to the current situation in Crimea Peninsula: - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Ukraine - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Russian Federation - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: United States - Result: Successful This addition complements the existing functionality which validates if the entered country is in the OFAC list." **Allocation token: Override feature for reserved domains** When the sale of a Donuts domain is made directly to a registrant (for example via pioneer programs), the domain name is kept in a reserved state (by Donuts) until the registrant is able to register the domain name through their preferred registrar. In this context Donuts launched the reserved domain override feature called "allocation token". The feature allows Donuts operations staff to assign an override token to a domain name. Donuts then provides this token to the registrant. The registrant uses the token during the registration process to override the reserved status, which allows the allocation of the domain name to proceed. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=pizza.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.dns.pl/english/ | |
Registry Villkor: | https://www.dns.pl/english/regulations.html | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.dns.pl/english/nprinciples.html | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions - [NASK regulations](https://www.dns.pl/english/regulations.html) |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=pl.
Registry Hemsida: | http://radixregistry.com/ | |
Registry Villkor: | http://radixregistry.com/policies/our-experience.php | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.icann.org/en/help/dndr/udrp/policy | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.press_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=press.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.pnina.ps | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.pnina.ps/registration-policy/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.pnina.ps/domains/dispute-resolution/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions - Premium domains currently not available in our system [http://www.pnina.ps/2010/05/premium-names/](http://www.pnina.ps/2010/05/premium-names/) - Religious and obscene domain names are forbidden - Famous palestinian names are forbidden for domain names |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=ps.
Registry Hemsida: | http://registry.ps | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.pnina.ps/domains/dispute-resolution/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions - Premium domains currently not available in our system [http://www.pnina.ps/2010/05/premium-names/](http://www.pnina.ps/2010/05/premium-names/) - Religious and obscene domain names are forbidden - Famous palestinian names are forbidden for domain names |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=com_ps.
Registry Hemsida: | http://registry.ps | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.pnina.ps/domains/dispute-resolution/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions - Premium domains currently not available in our system [http://www.pnina.ps/2010/05/premium-names/](http://www.pnina.ps/2010/05/premium-names/) - Religious and obscene domain names are forbidden - Famous palestinian names are forbidden for domain names |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=net_ps.
Registry Hemsida: | http://registry.ps | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.pnina.ps/domains/dispute-resolution/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions - Premium domains currently not available in our system [http://www.pnina.ps/2010/05/premium-names/](http://www.pnina.ps/2010/05/premium-names/) - Religious and obscene domain names are forbidden - Famous palestinian names are forbidden for domain names |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=org_ps.
Registry Hemsida: | http://dns.pt | |
Registry Villkor: | https://www.dns.pt/en/regras-de-dominios | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://online.dns.pt/dns_2008/do?com=DS;9684048112;111;+PAGE%284000058%29+K-CAT-CODIGO%28C.125%29+RCNT%28100%29;#1155 | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions - The tech-contact for the domain will be validated by the registry. - Name servers have to be pre-configured prior to the registration. The configuration can be checked on the registry website at [https://www.dns.pt/en/tools/](https://www.dns.pt/en/tools/). - The domains registered in .PT may not: - Correspond to words or expressions contrary to law, public order or morality - Correspond to any top level Internet domain name in existence or in the process of being created - Correspond to names that would mislead or cause confusion about their ownership, namely, by coinciding with notorious or prestigious trademarks that belong to another - Correspond to any protocols, applications or terms of the Internet - Correspond to a geographical name Registration requirements for two character domain names are covered on the [registry website](https://www.dns.pt/en/domains-2/registration-rules-2-characters/preamble/). These premium domains can be registered by using the FeeExtension or the X-ACCEPT-PREMIUMPRICE=1 parameter as explained in the [Premium Domain Handling](https://wiki.rrpproxy.net/domains/premium-domains) article. The most current version of the following registration rules can be found on the [registry website](https://www.dns.pt/en/domains-2/domain-rules/chapter-i/). - Registering domains under .PT: - Article 10 Legitimacy: Domain names under .pt may be registered by all individual or corporate entities. - Article 11 Composing the Domain Name: Unless otherwise indicated, the domain name registered directly under .pt must obey the following rules: - a) Have the respective characters as set out in paragraphs 1 and 2 of article 8; - b) In the case of geographic names, these can only be legitimately registered by the legal administrative authority. § The legal administrative authority is understood to be that which carries out the administration on a restricted geographical constituency, namely, the State over its territory, the Regional Governments over the territory of the Autonomous Regions, the local authorities regarding their respective administrative districts, the Civil Parish Councils over the places that are part of the civil parish of the respective jurisdiction within the terms provided for in the Attachment to Law No. 11-A/2013, of 28 January, which implements the administrative reorganisation of the territory of the civil parishes and local State bodies regarding the administrative area in which they carry out their responsibilities. - Registering domains under .GOV.PT: - Article 12 Legitimacy: Domain names under .gov.pt may be registered by entities which are part of the Government structure of the Portuguese Republic. - Article 13 Composing the Domain Name: The domain name registered under .gov.pt must coincide with the denomination of its registrant, its abbreviation or acronym, or with the name of projects or actions which it carries out or will carry out. - Article 14 Registrar: The registration process for a domain under .gov.pt is carried out with CEGER – Centro de Gestão da Rede Informática do Governo (Centre for the Management of the Government's IT Network), in accordance with the regulations available at [www.ceger.gov.pt](http://www.ceger.gov.pt/) whilst applying, in addition, the provisions of the present Rules. - Registering domains under .ORG.PT: - Article 15 Legitimacy: Domain names under .org.pt may be registered by non-profit organisations and individuals. - Article 16 Composing the Domain Name: The domain name under .org.pt must coincide with the denomination of its registrant, its abbreviation or acronym, or with the name of projects or actions that it carries out or will carry out. - Registering domains under .EDU.PT: - Article 17 Legitimacy: Public teaching establishments and owners of private and co-operative teaching establishments may register domain names under .edu.pt. - Article 18 Composing the Domain Name: The domain name under .edu.pt must coincide with the designation allocated on the document which identifies/recognises the nature of the educational establishment, or with an abbreviation or acronym of that designation, except, in the case of the latter, if it results in an inversion or addition to it. - Registering domains under .COM.PT: - Article 19 Legitimacy: Domain names under .com.pt may be registered by all individual and corporate entities. - Article 20 Composing the Domain Name: The domain name under .com.pt only has to observe the rules regarding the general conditions for composing domain names set out in articles 8 and 9. - OTHER TYPES OF REGISTRATION: - Article 21 Registrations Based on Criteria Established by Law: Apart from the possibilities of registering domain names listed in the previous articles, registrations which obey conditions that are expressly described by law are also allowed. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=com_pt.
Registry Hemsida: | http://registry.pw/ | |
Registry Villkor: | http://registry.pw/policies/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://registry.pw/policies/domain-dispute-policy/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.pw_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=pw.
Registry Hemsida: | http://donuts.co | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.donuts.co/policies/acceptable-use/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://donuts.domains/about/policies/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions **Donuts registry: Extended validation according to the OFAC list** "A new validation has been added to the pages of the portal where the user introduces the state or province in a postal address, for example creating a contact. This new feature validates if the state/province is included in OFAC list from the United States Government. In that case the operation will not be allowed and the system will return a message informing that the registry cannot provide services to individuals/entities based in countries that are sanctioned by the government of the USA. The validation will be by country and state/province which means the state/province plus the country set by the user should match with one of the combinations of the OFAC list. These are some examples related to the current situation in Crimea Peninsula: - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Ukraine - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Russian Federation - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: United States - Result: Successful This addition complements the existing functionality which validates if the entered country is in the OFAC list." **Allocation token: Override feature for reserved domains** When the sale of a Donuts domain is made directly to a registrant (for example via pioneer programs), the domain name is kept in a reserved state (by Donuts) until the registrant is able to register the domain name through their preferred registrar. In this context Donuts launched the reserved domain override feature called "allocation token". The feature allows Donuts operations staff to assign an override token to a domain name. Donuts then provides this token to the registrant. The registrant uses the token during the registration process to override the reserved status, which allows the allocation of the domain name to proceed. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=rehab.
Registry Hemsida: | http://nic.rent | |
Registry Villkor: | http://nic.rent/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.icann.org/en/help/dndr/udrp/policy | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.rent_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=rent.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.donuts.co/ | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.donuts.co/policies/acceptable-use/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://donuts.domains/about/policies/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions **Donuts registry: Extended validation according to the OFAC list** "A new validation has been added to the pages of the portal where the user introduces the state or province in a postal address, for example creating a contact. This new feature validates if the state/province is included in OFAC list from the United States Government. In that case the operation will not be allowed and the system will return a message informing that the registry cannot provide services to individuals/entities based in countries that are sanctioned by the government of the USA. The validation will be by country and state/province which means the state/province plus the country set by the user should match with one of the combinations of the OFAC list. These are some examples related to the current situation in Crimea Peninsula: - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Ukraine - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Russian Federation - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: United States - Result: Successful This addition complements the existing functionality which validates if the entered country is in the OFAC list." **Allocation token: Override feature for reserved domains** When the sale of a Donuts domain is made directly to a registrant (for example via pioneer programs), the domain name is kept in a reserved state (by Donuts) until the registrant is able to register the domain name through their preferred registrar. In this context Donuts launched the reserved domain override feature called "allocation token". The feature allows Donuts operations staff to assign an override token to a domain name. Donuts then provides this token to the registrant. The registrant uses the token during the registration process to override the reserved status, which allows the allocation of the domain name to proceed. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=restaurant.
Registry Hemsida: | http://donuts.co | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.donuts.co/policies/acceptable-use/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://donuts.domains/about/policies/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions **Donuts registry: Extended validation according to the OFAC list** "A new validation has been added to the pages of the portal where the user introduces the state or province in a postal address, for example creating a contact. This new feature validates if the state/province is included in OFAC list from the United States Government. In that case the operation will not be allowed and the system will return a message informing that the registry cannot provide services to individuals/entities based in countries that are sanctioned by the government of the USA. The validation will be by country and state/province which means the state/province plus the country set by the user should match with one of the combinations of the OFAC list. These are some examples related to the current situation in Crimea Peninsula: - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Ukraine - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Russian Federation - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: United States - Result: Successful This addition complements the existing functionality which validates if the entered country is in the OFAC list." **Allocation token: Override feature for reserved domains** When the sale of a Donuts domain is made directly to a registrant (for example via pioneer programs), the domain name is kept in a reserved state (by Donuts) until the registrant is able to register the domain name through their preferred registrar. In this context Donuts launched the reserved domain override feature called "allocation token". The feature allows Donuts operations staff to assign an override token to a domain name. Donuts then provides this token to the registrant. The registrant uses the token during the registration process to override the reserved status, which allows the allocation of the domain name to proceed. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=rocks.
Registry Hemsida: | http://nic.science | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.famousfourmedia.com/policies/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.icann.org/en/help/dndr/udrp/policy | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.science_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=science.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.nic.se/ | |
Registry Villkor: | https://www.iis.se/docs/Registreringsvillkor_eng.pdf | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://www.iis.se/english/domains/adr/read-more-about-adr/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions - A valid ID number is required and must be provided in X-NICSE-IDNUMBER parameter. - For companies located in EU member states (but not in Sweden) the VAT id has to provided in X-NICSE-VATID parameter. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=a_se.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.icmregistry.com | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.nic.sex/about/policies/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.icann.org/en/help/dndr/udrp/policy | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.sex_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=sex.
Registry Hemsida: | https://internetnaming.co/ | |
Registry Villkor: | https://uniregistry.link/registry-policies/?file=441 | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://uniregistry.link/report-abuse/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.sexy_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=sexy.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.nic.sh/ | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.nic.sh/terms.html | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.nic.sh/dres.html | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.sh_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=sh.
Registry Hemsida: | http://nic.shop | |
Registry Villkor: | http://nic.shop/policies/registration_policy.pdf | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.icann.org/en/help/dndr/udrp/policy | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.shop_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=shop.
Registry Hemsida: | http://donuts.co | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.donuts.co/policies/acceptable-use/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://donuts.domains/about/policies/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions **Donuts registry: Extended validation according to the OFAC list** "A new validation has been added to the pages of the portal where the user introduces the state or province in a postal address, for example creating a contact. This new feature validates if the state/province is included in OFAC list from the United States Government. In that case the operation will not be allowed and the system will return a message informing that the registry cannot provide services to individuals/entities based in countries that are sanctioned by the government of the USA. The validation will be by country and state/province which means the state/province plus the country set by the user should match with one of the combinations of the OFAC list. These are some examples related to the current situation in Crimea Peninsula: - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Ukraine - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Russian Federation - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: United States - Result: Successful This addition complements the existing functionality which validates if the entered country is in the OFAC list." **Allocation token: Override feature for reserved domains** When the sale of a Donuts domain is made directly to a registrant (for example via pioneer programs), the domain name is kept in a reserved state (by Donuts) until the registrant is able to register the domain name through their preferred registrar. In this context Donuts launched the reserved domain override feature called "allocation token". The feature allows Donuts operations staff to assign an override token to a domain name. Donuts then provides this token to the registrant. The registrant uses the token during the registration process to override the reserved status, which allows the allocation of the domain name to proceed. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=shopping.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.registry.si/ | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.registry.si/fileadmin/dokumenti/register/ENG/general-terms.pdf | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.registry.si/domain-name-disputes-adr.html | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions A DNS check is available on the [registry website](https://www.register.si/?lang=en_US) |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=si.
Registry Hemsida: | http://domains.ski | |
Registry Villkor: | http://domains.ski/about/afilias-anti-abuse-policy | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.icann.org/en/help/dndr/udrp/policy | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.ski_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=ski.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.soregistry.so/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://soregistry.so/pdfs/dotSO_Domain_Name_Registration_Policies.pdf | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions Each domain may have up to 13 nameservers at any point during its lifetime. Domains with no nameserver will have an "inactive" standard EPP status, which means that it will not be published in the DNS zone file. This will not however affect its appearance in the WHOIS database. Registry shall be entitled at all times to cancel the registration of a domain name or delete same following receipt of a written instruction from the Government of the Republic of Somalia, indicating that said Domain Name is considered defamatory, contrary to public order or morality or otherwise not allowed under the laws of the Republic of Somalia. The Domain Name Holder expressly agrees and accepts that he or she shall not be entitled to claim any compensation or refund from the Registry when the latter implements the Government instruction referred to above. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=so.
Registry Hemsida: | http://donuts.co | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.donuts.co/policies/acceptable-use/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://donuts.domains/about/policies/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions **Donuts registry: Extended validation according to the OFAC list** "A new validation has been added to the pages of the portal where the user introduces the state or province in a postal address, for example creating a contact. This new feature validates if the state/province is included in OFAC list from the United States Government. In that case the operation will not be allowed and the system will return a message informing that the registry cannot provide services to individuals/entities based in countries that are sanctioned by the government of the USA. The validation will be by country and state/province which means the state/province plus the country set by the user should match with one of the combinations of the OFAC list. These are some examples related to the current situation in Crimea Peninsula: - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Ukraine - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Russian Federation - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: United States - Result: Successful This addition complements the existing functionality which validates if the entered country is in the OFAC list." **Allocation token: Override feature for reserved domains** When the sale of a Donuts domain is made directly to a registrant (for example via pioneer programs), the domain name is kept in a reserved state (by Donuts) until the registrant is able to register the domain name through their preferred registrar. In this context Donuts launched the reserved domain override feature called "allocation token". The feature allows Donuts operations staff to assign an override token to a domain name. Donuts then provides this token to the registrant. The registrant uses the token during the registration process to override the reserved status, which allows the allocation of the domain name to proceed. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=solutions.
Registry Hemsida: | https://rc.registry.st | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.st_ ## Fulfillment Info FTLD .st is a Fulfillment TLD. Fullfilment TLDs (FTLDs) are registered through a manual registration process. The manual registration process might involve documents, depending on respective registry regulations, and are therefore not automated for real-time registrations and real-time updates. Updates might cause additional costs! |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=st.
Registry Hemsida: | http://donuts.co | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.donuts.co/policies/acceptable-use/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://donuts.domains/about/policies/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions **Donuts registry: Extended validation according to the OFAC list** "A new validation has been added to the pages of the portal where the user introduces the state or province in a postal address, for example creating a contact. This new feature validates if the state/province is included in OFAC list from the United States Government. In that case the operation will not be allowed and the system will return a message informing that the registry cannot provide services to individuals/entities based in countries that are sanctioned by the government of the USA. The validation will be by country and state/province which means the state/province plus the country set by the user should match with one of the combinations of the OFAC list. These are some examples related to the current situation in Crimea Peninsula: - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Ukraine - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Russian Federation - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: United States - Result: Successful This addition complements the existing functionality which validates if the entered country is in the OFAC list." **Allocation token: Override feature for reserved domains** When the sale of a Donuts domain is made directly to a registrant (for example via pioneer programs), the domain name is kept in a reserved state (by Donuts) until the registrant is able to register the domain name through their preferred registrar. In this context Donuts launched the reserved domain override feature called "allocation token". The feature allows Donuts operations staff to assign an override token to a domain name. Donuts then provides this token to the registrant. The registrant uses the token during the registration process to override the reserved status, which allows the allocation of the domain name to proceed. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=studio.
Registry Hemsida: | http://donuts.co | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.donuts.co/policies/acceptable-use/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://donuts.domains/about/policies/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions **Donuts registry: Extended validation according to the OFAC list** "A new validation has been added to the pages of the portal where the user introduces the state or province in a postal address, for example creating a contact. This new feature validates if the state/province is included in OFAC list from the United States Government. In that case the operation will not be allowed and the system will return a message informing that the registry cannot provide services to individuals/entities based in countries that are sanctioned by the government of the USA. The validation will be by country and state/province which means the state/province plus the country set by the user should match with one of the combinations of the OFAC list. These are some examples related to the current situation in Crimea Peninsula: - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Ukraine - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Russian Federation - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: United States - Result: Successful This addition complements the existing functionality which validates if the entered country is in the OFAC list." **Allocation token: Override feature for reserved domains** When the sale of a Donuts domain is made directly to a registrant (for example via pioneer programs), the domain name is kept in a reserved state (by Donuts) until the registrant is able to register the domain name through their preferred registrar. In this context Donuts launched the reserved domain override feature called "allocation token". The feature allows Donuts operations staff to assign an override token to a domain name. Donuts then provides this token to the registrant. The registrant uses the token during the registration process to override the reserved status, which allows the allocation of the domain name to proceed. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=support.
Registry Hemsida: | http://donuts.co | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.donuts.co/policies/acceptable-use/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://donuts.domains/about/policies/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions **Donuts registry: Extended validation according to the OFAC list** "A new validation has been added to the pages of the portal where the user introduces the state or province in a postal address, for example creating a contact. This new feature validates if the state/province is included in OFAC list from the United States Government. In that case the operation will not be allowed and the system will return a message informing that the registry cannot provide services to individuals/entities based in countries that are sanctioned by the government of the USA. The validation will be by country and state/province which means the state/province plus the country set by the user should match with one of the combinations of the OFAC list. These are some examples related to the current situation in Crimea Peninsula: - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Ukraine - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Russian Federation - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: United States - Result: Successful This addition complements the existing functionality which validates if the entered country is in the OFAC list." **Allocation token: Override feature for reserved domains** When the sale of a Donuts domain is made directly to a registrant (for example via pioneer programs), the domain name is kept in a reserved state (by Donuts) until the registrant is able to register the domain name through their preferred registrar. In this context Donuts launched the reserved domain override feature called "allocation token". The feature allows Donuts operations staff to assign an override token to a domain name. Donuts then provides this token to the registrant. The registrant uses the token during the registration process to override the reserved status, which allows the allocation of the domain name to proceed. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=systems.
Registry Hemsida: | https://www.unr.com | |
Registry Villkor: | https://uniregistry.link/registry-policies/?file=441 | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://uniregistry.link/report-abuse/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.tattoo_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=tattoo.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.telnic.org/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://wi.rrpproxy.net/downloads/en/misc/409.transfer_disputes.tel.en.pdf | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions - Premium domain names - all 3-character numeric domains - all 3-character letter domains - all 4-character numeric domains - all 4-character letter domains - and a limited number of mixed numeric and letter 3 / 4-character domains |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=tel.
Registry Hemsida: | http://donuts.co | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.donuts.co/policies/acceptable-use/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://donuts.domains/about/policies/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions **Donuts registry: Extended validation according to the OFAC list** "A new validation has been added to the pages of the portal where the user introduces the state or province in a postal address, for example creating a contact. This new feature validates if the state/province is included in OFAC list from the United States Government. In that case the operation will not be allowed and the system will return a message informing that the registry cannot provide services to individuals/entities based in countries that are sanctioned by the government of the USA. The validation will be by country and state/province which means the state/province plus the country set by the user should match with one of the combinations of the OFAC list. These are some examples related to the current situation in Crimea Peninsula: - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Ukraine - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Russian Federation - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: United States - Result: Successful This addition complements the existing functionality which validates if the entered country is in the OFAC list." **Allocation token: Override feature for reserved domains** When the sale of a Donuts domain is made directly to a registrant (for example via pioneer programs), the domain name is kept in a reserved state (by Donuts) until the registrant is able to register the domain name through their preferred registrar. In this context Donuts launched the reserved domain override feature called "allocation token". The feature allows Donuts operations staff to assign an override token to a domain name. Donuts then provides this token to the registrant. The registrant uses the token during the registration process to override the reserved status, which allows the allocation of the domain name to proceed. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=tennis.
Registry Hemsida: | http://dottickets.org/ | |
Registry Villkor: | http://nic.tickets/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.icann.org/en/help/dndr/udrp/policy | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions 1. Standard Track Processing 1. All Applications for .tickets names will be processed according to Standard Track Processing unless Fast Track Processing is requested by the Applicant to the Registry within five (5) Business Days of the Applicant being contacted by the Registry after the Registry received the application from the Applicant’s Registrar. 2. Applications in Standard Track Processing will be held in reserved Pending Create status for up to 30 days during which time they will be Advertised on the Registry-managed website [https://domains.watch](https://domains.watch/). During the Advertisement Period, third parties with Eligible Rights in the Requested Name may submit Competing Applications for the identical domain name. 3. At any point during the Advertisement Period the original Applicant may apply to Expedite a Standard Track Application by submitting evidence of an Eligible Right in the Requested Name. If the Registry is satisfied at its sole discretion that such an Eligible Right exists, it will terminate the Advertisement Period and the Requested Name will be registered to the original Applicant. 2. Fast Track Processing 1. An Applicant that can demonstrate having an Eligible Right in the Requested Name may bypass Standard Track Processing, including the Advertisement Period, by requesting Fast Track Processing. In order to prevent the start of the Advertisement Period, Fast Track Processing must be requested by the Applicant within 5 (five) Business Days of the Applicant being contacted by the Registry notifying the Applicant of the Registry’s receipt of the Applicant’s Application from the Applicant’s Registrar. Requests made after this time will be rejected and the Application will be published on the Registry-managed website [https://domains.watch](https://domains.watch/) via which third parties may submit Competing Applications for the identical domain name. 2. An Eligible Right in respect of a Requested Name is one of the following: 1. A nationally or regionally registered trade mark registered in respect of tickets or ticketing goods or services; OR 2. A name or other term that, while not registered as a trade mark, has been used in trade to distinguish the tickets or ticketing goods or services of one undertaking from those of another. What constitutes tickets or ticking goods or services for the purposes of this policy will be decided by the Registry at its sole discretion. 3. Applicants can demonstrate an Eligible Right based on a registered trade mark by providing the following information: 1. The text of the trade mark as registered; 2. The registration number of the relevant trade mark; 3. The date of registration; 4. The jurisdiction of registration of the trade mark; 5. The name of the registered owner of the trade mark or documentary evidence confirming that the Applicant is authorised by the registered owner of the trade mark to make the Application and have the domain name registered to it; and 6. The address of the registered owner of the trade mark. 4. Applicants can demonstrate an Eligible Right based on an unregistered name or other term by providing at the request of the Registry, one or more of the following types of evidence which must contain the full text of the Eligible Right in a clear and stand-alone format: 1. Dated tickets; 2. Dated advertising and marketing materials for tickets or ticketing goods or services (e.g. brochures, pamphlets, catalogues, product manuals, displays or signage, press releases, screen shots, social media marketing materials etc.); 3. Links to websites, screen shots from websites relating to the sale or advertisement of tickets or ticketing goods or services; 4. Headed and dated stationery, receipts, invoices relating to the sale or advertisement of tickets or ticketing goods or services; or 5. Dated photographs or scans of product labels, tags or containers demonstrating the sale or advertisement of tickets or ticketing goods or services. Applicants or Competing Applicants will submit, via the [https://domains.watch](https://domains.watch/) website, no more than 10MB of documentary evidence in support of each Application or Competing Application. Further pages need not be considered by the registry. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=tickets.
Registry Hemsida: | http://donuts.co | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.donuts.co/policies/acceptable-use/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://donuts.domains/about/policies/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions **Donuts registry: Extended validation according to the OFAC list** "A new validation has been added to the pages of the portal where the user introduces the state or province in a postal address, for example creating a contact. This new feature validates if the state/province is included in OFAC list from the United States Government. In that case the operation will not be allowed and the system will return a message informing that the registry cannot provide services to individuals/entities based in countries that are sanctioned by the government of the USA. The validation will be by country and state/province which means the state/province plus the country set by the user should match with one of the combinations of the OFAC list. These are some examples related to the current situation in Crimea Peninsula: - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Ukraine - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Russian Federation - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: United States - Result: Successful This addition complements the existing functionality which validates if the entered country is in the OFAC list." **Allocation token: Override feature for reserved domains** When the sale of a Donuts domain is made directly to a registrant (for example via pioneer programs), the domain name is kept in a reserved state (by Donuts) until the registrant is able to register the domain name through their preferred registrar. In this context Donuts launched the reserved domain override feature called "allocation token". The feature allows Donuts operations staff to assign an override token to a domain name. Donuts then provides this token to the registrant. The registrant uses the token during the registration process to override the reserved status, which allows the allocation of the domain name to proceed. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=tips.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.nic.tm/ | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.nic.tm/terms.html | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.nic.tm/dres.html | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions Most of the registrations are performed in near realtime. However, special domain names such as weird iDNs or abusive names will require manual approval by the registry |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=tm.
Registry Hemsida: | http://donuts.co | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.donuts.co/policies/acceptable-use/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://donuts.domains/about/policies/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions **Donuts registry: Extended validation according to the OFAC list** "A new validation has been added to the pages of the portal where the user introduces the state or province in a postal address, for example creating a contact. This new feature validates if the state/province is included in OFAC list from the United States Government. In that case the operation will not be allowed and the system will return a message informing that the registry cannot provide services to individuals/entities based in countries that are sanctioned by the government of the USA. The validation will be by country and state/province which means the state/province plus the country set by the user should match with one of the combinations of the OFAC list. These are some examples related to the current situation in Crimea Peninsula: - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Ukraine - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Russian Federation - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: United States - Result: Successful This addition complements the existing functionality which validates if the entered country is in the OFAC list." **Allocation token: Override feature for reserved domains** When the sale of a Donuts domain is made directly to a registrant (for example via pioneer programs), the domain name is kept in a reserved state (by Donuts) until the registrant is able to register the domain name through their preferred registrar. In this context Donuts launched the reserved domain override feature called "allocation token". The feature allows Donuts operations staff to assign an override token to a domain name. Donuts then provides this token to the registrant. The registrant uses the token during the registration process to override the reserved status, which allows the allocation of the domain name to proceed. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=today.
Registry Hemsida: | http://en.nic.top/ | |
Registry Villkor: | http://en.nic.top/policy.html#0 | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.icann.org/en/help/dndr/udrp/policy | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.top_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=top.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.tralliance.travel/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://arbiter.wipo.int/domains/gtld/travel | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions Name registration is limited to names to which the travel organization holds rights to, or uses in their business. In the following some examples: - Incorporation (legal) Name/Partnership Name/Individual Name - Doing Business As; Trade Name; or Business Name - Domain Name as used in a URL - Trade Mark - Service Mark - Product Name - Club or Association Name - Transport Vessel Name - Competition/Event Name - Division Name - Subsidiary Name - Acronyms (must be only the first letter of the primary words of the name) Eligibility is verified by the ._travel_ registry reviewing information provided by the applicant to determine that the applicant is primarily carrying on business or operations in the travel industry. ._travel_ can be registered if your entity belongs to one of the following Travel Sectors: - Airlines - Attractions/Theme Parks - Bed & Breakfast Houses - Bus/Taxi/Limousine Operators - Camp Facility Operators - Vehicle Rental Companies/Airport Specialty Car Park Companies Computer Reservation/Travel Technology Provider - Convention & Visitor's Bureaus - Cruise Lines - Ferries - Hotels/Resorts/Casinos - National Tourism Offices - Passenger Rail Lines - Restaurants - Tour Operators - Travel Agents - Travel Media - Travel-Consumer and Market Research Organizations |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=travel.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.tv | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.icann.org/udrp/udrp-policy-24oct99.htm | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.tv_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=tv.
Registry Hemsida: | https://www.twnic.tw/ | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.twnic.net.tw/english/dn/dn_01_a.htm | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://www.twnic.tw/en_dnservice_tp.php | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions Registrants of ._tw_ domains must comply to the General Terms and Conditions of .tw domains: - Supervision and Guidance Regulation for Internet Protocol (IP) Address and Domain Name Registration and Management Services currently at [http://www.twnic.net.tw/file/ip0320.htm](http://www.twnic.net.tw/file/ip0320.htm) - Guidelines for Administration of Domain Name Registration, currently at [https://www.twnic.net.tw/en\_dnservice\_giuldlines.php](https://www.twnic.net.tw/en_dnservice_giuldlines.php) - Domain Name Registration Policies and Regulations, currently at [https://www.twnic.net.tw/en\_dnservice\_guidelines\_regulation.php](https://www.twnic.net.tw/en_dnservice_guidelines_regulation.php) - TWNIC Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy, currently at [https://www.twnic.net.tw/en\_dnservice\_policy-1.php](https://www.twnic.net.tw/en_dnservice_policy-1.php) - Rules for TWNIC Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy, currently at [https://www.twnic.net.tw/en\_dnservice\_policy-2.php](https://www.twnic.net.tw/en_dnservice_policy-2.php) - A registration for .ORG.TW domains is now only possible for non profit organizations located in Taiwan. The only exception is for foreign non-profit organizations that provide supporting documentation of their non-profit status under the competent laws of their jurisdiction and if the Domain Name Committee of TWNIC approves such documentation. You can download the necessary document for an application of a .ORG.TW domain name here: [Application\_for\_ORG.TW.pdf](/files/application_for_org.tw.pdf) - The registrant for a .COM.TW domain name must be a corporation registered under the Company Law or a business registered under the Commercial Entity Registration Law, or a foreign corporation registered under competent national or state laws. Also the registrant should provide true, complete and accurate information. The registrant will be asked to submit documentations for review when necessary. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=tw.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.nominet.org.uk | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.nominet.org.uk/registrants/aboutdomainnames/legal/terms/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.nominet.org.uk/disputes/drs/policy/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions Nominet has been introducing registrant name restrictions on registrations and domain name transfers. The registrant name must consist of at least 7 characters and meet the following requirements: - The registrant name must contain 4 or more characters (any), or - The registrant name must contain 3 or more letters (a-z). |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=uk.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.nominet.org.uk | |
Registry Villkor: | https://www.nominet.uk/uk-domains/policies/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://www.nominet.uk/uk-domains/policies/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions Nominet has been introducing registrant name restrictions on registrations and domain name transfers. The registrant name must consist of at least 7 characters and meet the following requirements: - The registrant name must contain 4 or more characters (any), or - The registrant name must contain 3 or more letters (a-z). |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=co_uk.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.nominet.org.uk | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.nominet.org.uk/disputes/drs/policy/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions Nominet has been introducing registrant name restrictions on registrations and domain name transfers. The registrant name must consist of at least 7 characters and meet the following requirements: - The registrant name must contain 4 or more characters (any), or - The registrant name must contain 3 or more letters (a-z). |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=me_uk.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.nominet.org.uk | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.nominet.org.uk/registrants/aboutdomainnames/legal/terms/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.nominet.org.uk/disputes/drs/policy/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions Nominet has been introducing registrant name restrictions on registrations and domain name transfers. The registrant name must consist of at least 7 characters and meet the following requirements: - The registrant name must contain 4 or more characters (any), or - The registrant name must contain 3 or more letters (a-z). |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=org_uk.
Registry Hemsida: | http://nic.uno/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://nic.uno/index-en.html | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.uno_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=uno.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.neustarregistry.biz/ | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.neustar.us/content/download/2663/32881/neustar_registrar_terms.pdf | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.neustar.us/ustld-dispute-resolution-policy/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions A .US Domain can only be registered by any U.S. citizen or resident, as well as any business or organization, including federal, state, and local government with a bona fide presence in the United States. One of the following eligibility requirements must be met: - A natural person - who is a citizen or permanent resident of the United States of America or any of its possessions or territories or - whose primary place of domicile is in the United States of America or any of its possessions, or - Any entity or organization that is - incorporated within one of the fifty (50) U.S. states, the District of Columbia, or any of the United States possessions or territories or - organized or otherwise constituted under the laws of a state of the United States of America, the District of Columbia, or any of its possessions or territories, or - An entity or organization (including federal, state, or local government of the United States, or a political subdivision thereof) that has a bona fide presence in the United States. See Section B.3.1 of the NeuStar proposal to the Department of Commerce for details concerning what constitutes a "bona fide presence". For further information check the [.US Nexus Requirements Policy](http://www.about.us/policies/ustld-nexus-requirements). An additionally requirement is, that the name servers need to be physically in the United States. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=us.
Registry Hemsida: | http://nic.vegas | |
Registry Villkor: | n/a | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.icann.org/en/help/dndr/udrp/policy | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.vegas_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=vegas.
Registry Hemsida: | http://donuts.co | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.donuts.co/policies/acceptable-use/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://donuts.domains/about/policies/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions **Donuts registry: Extended validation according to the OFAC list** "A new validation has been added to the pages of the portal where the user introduces the state or province in a postal address, for example creating a contact. This new feature validates if the state/province is included in OFAC list from the United States Government. In that case the operation will not be allowed and the system will return a message informing that the registry cannot provide services to individuals/entities based in countries that are sanctioned by the government of the USA. The validation will be by country and state/province which means the state/province plus the country set by the user should match with one of the combinations of the OFAC list. These are some examples related to the current situation in Crimea Peninsula: - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Ukraine - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Russian Federation - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: United States - Result: Successful This addition complements the existing functionality which validates if the entered country is in the OFAC list." **Allocation token: Override feature for reserved domains** When the sale of a Donuts domain is made directly to a registrant (for example via pioneer programs), the domain name is kept in a reserved state (by Donuts) until the registrant is able to register the domain name through their preferred registrar. In this context Donuts launched the reserved domain override feature called "allocation token". The feature allows Donuts operations staff to assign an override token to a domain name. Donuts then provides this token to the registrant. The registrant uses the token during the registration process to override the reserved status, which allows the allocation of the domain name to proceed. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=ventures.
Registry Hemsida: | http://donuts.co | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.donuts.co/policies/acceptable-use/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://donuts.domains/about/policies/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions **Donuts registry: Extended validation according to the OFAC list** "A new validation has been added to the pages of the portal where the user introduces the state or province in a postal address, for example creating a contact. This new feature validates if the state/province is included in OFAC list from the United States Government. In that case the operation will not be allowed and the system will return a message informing that the registry cannot provide services to individuals/entities based in countries that are sanctioned by the government of the USA. The validation will be by country and state/province which means the state/province plus the country set by the user should match with one of the combinations of the OFAC list. These are some examples related to the current situation in Crimea Peninsula: - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Ukraine - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Russian Federation - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: United States - Result: Successful This addition complements the existing functionality which validates if the entered country is in the OFAC list." **Allocation token: Override feature for reserved domains** When the sale of a Donuts domain is made directly to a registrant (for example via pioneer programs), the domain name is kept in a reserved state (by Donuts) until the registrant is able to register the domain name through their preferred registrar. In this context Donuts launched the reserved domain override feature called "allocation token". The feature allows Donuts operations staff to assign an override token to a domain name. Donuts then provides this token to the registrant. The registrant uses the token during the registration process to override the reserved status, which allows the allocation of the domain name to proceed. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=vin.
Registry Hemsida: | http://mm-registry.com/ | |
Registry Villkor: | http://mm-registry.com/policies/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.icann.org/en/help/dndr/udrp/policy | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.vip_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=vip.
Registry Hemsida: | https://vnnic.vn/en?lang=en | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.vnnic.vn/en/domain?lang=en | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.vnnic.vn/en/domain?lang=en | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions - Pornographical or political domain names are forbidden by policy of the registry. - Registrations beneath the 2nd level .GOV.VN are limited to the Government of Vietnam - Registrations beneath the 2nd level .NAME.VN require the domain name to match the registrant's name and need the registrant to provide his ID as proof of identity - For companies, the full name of the legal representative: Automatically adopted from the owner contact ( **Important** : Real name must be entered, **NO** role contact like "domain admin"). - The change of name servers is NOT free of charge. To change the name servers you have to accept a special parameter "ACCEPT-NSCHANGE=1". |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=vn.
Registry Hemsida: | http://donuts.co | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.donuts.co/policies/acceptable-use/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://donuts.domains/about/policies/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions **Donuts registry: Extended validation according to the OFAC list** "A new validation has been added to the pages of the portal where the user introduces the state or province in a postal address, for example creating a contact. This new feature validates if the state/province is included in OFAC list from the United States Government. In that case the operation will not be allowed and the system will return a message informing that the registry cannot provide services to individuals/entities based in countries that are sanctioned by the government of the USA. The validation will be by country and state/province which means the state/province plus the country set by the user should match with one of the combinations of the OFAC list. These are some examples related to the current situation in Crimea Peninsula: - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Ukraine - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Russian Federation - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: United States - Result: Successful This addition complements the existing functionality which validates if the entered country is in the OFAC list." **Allocation token: Override feature for reserved domains** When the sale of a Donuts domain is made directly to a registrant (for example via pioneer programs), the domain name is kept in a reserved state (by Donuts) until the registrant is able to register the domain name through their preferred registrar. In this context Donuts launched the reserved domain override feature called "allocation token". The feature allows Donuts operations staff to assign an override token to a domain name. Donuts then provides this token to the registrant. The registrant uses the token during the registration process to override the reserved status, which allows the allocation of the domain name to proceed. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=wine.
Registry Hemsida: | http://mm-registry.com/ | |
Registry Villkor: | http://mm-registry.com/policies/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.icann.org/en/help/dndr/udrp/policy | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.work_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=work.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.website.ws | |
Registry Villkor: | http://website.ws/newdesign/documents/Terms%20and%20Documentation.pdf | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/help/dndr/udrp-en | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions - There is a minimum of two(2) configured name servers required for the registration. - The ._ws_ registry is charging a premium price for certain domain names. Please use the Fee Extension as described in our wiki article PremiumDomainHandling - Legacy 2- and 3-character domains registered prior to December 22, 2015 will be treated differently than all other .WS premium domains. Prices for domain renewals and transfers will remain the same as their premium registration fees. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=ws.
Registry Hemsida: | http://donuts.co | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.donuts.co/policies/acceptable-use/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | https://donuts.domains/about/policies/ | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions **Donuts registry: Extended validation according to the OFAC list** "A new validation has been added to the pages of the portal where the user introduces the state or province in a postal address, for example creating a contact. This new feature validates if the state/province is included in OFAC list from the United States Government. In that case the operation will not be allowed and the system will return a message informing that the registry cannot provide services to individuals/entities based in countries that are sanctioned by the government of the USA. The validation will be by country and state/province which means the state/province plus the country set by the user should match with one of the combinations of the OFAC list. These are some examples related to the current situation in Crimea Peninsula: - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Ukraine - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: Russian Federation - Result: Not allowed - State/Province: Crimea - Country: United States - Result: Successful This addition complements the existing functionality which validates if the entered country is in the OFAC list." **Allocation token: Override feature for reserved domains** When the sale of a Donuts domain is made directly to a registrant (for example via pioneer programs), the domain name is kept in a reserved state (by Donuts) until the registrant is able to register the domain name through their preferred registrar. In this context Donuts launched the reserved domain override feature called "allocation token". The feature allows Donuts operations staff to assign an override token to a domain name. Donuts then provides this token to the registrant. The registrant uses the token during the registration process to override the reserved status, which allows the allocation of the domain name to proceed. |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=wtf.
Registry Hemsida: | http://www.icmregistry.com | |
Registry Villkor: | http://www.icmregistry.com/about/policies/ | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.icann.org/en/dndr/udrp/policy.htm | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions - Domain holder needs to be member of the [Sponsored Community](http://www.icmregistry.com/about/sponsored-community/) to register an active .XXX domain - authcode must have a min. of 6 characters and max. 16 characters - If no Extension was submitted with the registration request, the XXX registry will contact the domain holder (eq Owner-C). Therefore, it's important to use good and valid data for the Owner Contact - With the ModifyDomain command, it is possible to switch between „Active“ Domain and „blocking“ Domain by using the same extensions as with the domain registration. **Who qualifies for the Sponsored Community?** The Sponsored Community consists of individuals, business, entities, and organizations that fit one of the following descriptions: - Provide Online Adult Entertainment intended for consenting adults (“Providers”) (e.g. adult webmasters, performers, studios, store owners, club operators) - Represent Providers (“Representatives”) (e.g. lawyers, agents, advisors, accountants, affiliates) - Provide products or services to Providers and Representatives (“Service Providers”) (e.g. adult domainers, manufacturers, delivery companies, caterers, distribution companies, merchant account services, make up artists, stylists, hosting services) |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=xxx.
Registry Hemsida: | http://nic.xyz | |
Registry Villkor: | http://nic.xyz/termsandconditions | |
Policy Tvistelösning: | http://www.icann.org/en/help/dndr/udrp/policy | |
Begränsningar: |
## Domain Restrictions There are no restrictions for _.xyz_ |
Mer detaljerad info finner ni här http://registrera-doman.com/tldinfo-data.php?tld=xyz.
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Klas, Boxholm
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Snabb återkoppling och bra/pedagogiskt med en film som visade hur man skulle göra.
Maria, Nordingrå
Hahaha, nu skojar ni lite? Hur kan man bli bättre än en varaktighet på ett ärende som tog 0 tid? Nja, det är svårt att överträffa :-) Tack så mycket! :-D
Sofia, Göteborg
hos Registrera Domän och ni får följande,